When I'm sober, you're gone (MC x Taiga)

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(warnings: alcohol, a lot and strong languages used because it ain't Taiga without it)

It was unpredictable.

He was unpredictable.
But that is no surprise.

Taiga Hoshibami was quite literally a loose canon and had more than a few loose screws.

The ghoul can turn from 'i don't know you' to 'i need you to die' in a split second.

This was made far worse for you. You had no idea why it was you, but reality had already been set.
Perhaps it was the anomalous-transformed ring that caused this, no one knows and probably no one would ever know.

In the end, it was you who suffered the effects of it.


"Who the fuck are you?"
The red haired ghoul stared daggers at you,
"And what the hell are you doing in my room?"

He always asked you this.
No matter how many times you repeated your name or appeared before him.

You sighed when Taiga clicked his revolver and pointed it straight at your head, seemingly displeased by your lack of response.

"Answer me."

"MC, honour student, here to give you a report by the Chancellor."
You spoke, indifferent to the weapon that was pointed at your temples.

"MC... don't know anyone by that name, but it seems familiar,"
He put his gun down and eyed you cautiously,
"Give me the report."

The report contained nothing important, or at least nothing related to anomalies.
Knowing this student, the Chancellor was careful not to give him any task that would involve him to run lose.

You took your leave quickly after placing down the report, not wanting to further agitate Taiga.

This was always what you had done to avoid unwanted injuries. You wonder if it's because you were cursed and might die any moment, that the Chancellor was set on using you to pass reports to this unhinged man, until the day you die.

Either from the curse or by him.


It had been a month again, and every month, there was always at least one case or report you needed to pass to every house.

And Sinostra's one was the last one this month.

Naturally, if any reports had no specific name assigned, you would pass them to Romeo, the vice-captain of Sinostra.
Despite him also being an ass, he was a more self-aware one and was relatively safer to be around than Taiga, because if he kills you, at least he had a valid reason to.

So, with no name assigned on this report, you thought you could happily pass it to Romeo.

Keyword being "thought".

The casino was dark and from what you could tell, empty too.

You immediately walked back out of the gambling den.

You weren't going to stupidly walk around in pitch black.

Asking around, you found out that Romeo had returned back home for some family gathering thing. Basically rich people things.

And that was to your absolute dismay.

The only other person eligible to read the documents, was Taiga.

You considered Ritsu, but after asking the Chancellor, you got an answer that made you conclude he definitely wanted you to be murdered by Taiga at some point.

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