Who's into who? pt 2 (MC x Vagastrom)

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*Thud, *Thud, *Thud.

Your footsteps echoed through the corridor.

How could you forget such an important thing?

Your phone, just where had you left it?

It was always in your hand up until last period.

That was what you thought.

But now you were tracing back your steps to find out where you could've left it.

Should you just find Sho at his truck and ask him for help?

"You're such a drag, you know? What kind of idiot leaves their phone behind?"

You shook that idea off your mind.
His reprimanding words already appeared in your head.

You went to search the cafeteria.

Upon entering the now dark food hall, you used the moonlight to navigate through the tables and chairs.

It had to be here,


"Honour roll,"
The sudden voice made you jump.

"Looking for something?"
Leo dangled an object in his hands with two fingers.

"Leo? How'd you find me- and is that..."
You squinted and sure enough, the shiny surface of your phone reflected the moonlight.

"You found my phone!"
You gasped, walking up to the first year to get your device back.

Just as you were about to take it, Leo moved it away,

"That's right, i found your phone."
He repeated.

"Right... Um, thank you?"
You tried grabbing at it again.
But he moved it to another hand, again.

"Your welcome,"
Leo smirked at you lazily.

"So, stop messing around and give it back to me,"
You were starting to get irritated, clawing at your phone but he kept moving it around to dodge your hand.

"Ah... That's not how you talk to someone who just found your precious phone, now is it?"
He cocked a brow at you a smirk still pulling at his lips.

You can't believe you had to put up with his bullshit.

"Ok fine, may i have my phone back?"
You seethed a polite tone out of your mouth.

"I don't know... I'd say you owe me something though..."
He looked at your phone, as if he was tapping on something,
"Lover girl,"

He showed you a screen where you kept your notes.

Your eyes went wide, wanting to snatch your phone away from him.

"I can't believe I don't have the guts to ask Alan to eat lunch with me, i-"
He read out a line from your page.

"No shut up, how the hell did you unlock my phone!"
You yelled cutting him off, your cheeks were red with embarrassment.

But he only laughed,
"It was easy.
Anyway, i'll give your phone back to you and keep your little crush a secret... if you do something for me."
His smirked was still there but his tone was serious.




"No way I'm doing that!"
You exclaimed, scowling at the outrageous task Leo just told you.

"Fine by me,"
He sighed,
"I guess you can say good bye to your phone, it actually looks like it could fetch a high price,"

You couldn't win.

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