A Fairytale (not MC x Jin)

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[you aren't MC in this story, but the daughter of another well known high-society family, that is obv friends of the kamurai family. So in this story your name is Y/n.
Typical "Jin is your childhood friend and you've secretly been in love with him" kind of thing. But it's hard to tell whether he likes you back or has already fallen for someone else. (Strong language used, again in about two sentences)]

Jin Kamurai.
The heir of the most influential family in Japan.

Which school is he studying in?

A very private one, is what people usually answer.
Those who aren't close to the Kamurai family would gossip amongst themselves, but you knew better.

"DarkWick Academy."
Jin said in a bored tone.

Because you knew he was a ghoul, you didn't seem surprised.
"Isn't that exciting? You get to meet other ghouls,"
You said, flipping through a fairytale book about a princess who longed for the prince's love.

"Hm. It's troublesome."
He replied flipping through his own book.

You spent your time together with him like that, ever since young.
He would never know how you felt and you would take that feeling for him to the grave, you don't intend on ever letting him know either.


You were 12.

Stuck in a boring aristocrat party where people use posh words in a facade to spear through others weak points.

You sat silently on the tea chair that was a little bit too high up for your legs to touch the ground, so you swung it back and forth.

"Stop doing that,"
Mother warned, despite the smile on her face, her voice was stern.

You immediately stopped.
Stop doing this, stop doing that.
Was all you hear from them.

Feeling a little down, you excused yourself to use the washroom.
But of course you didn't, you headed for the garden instead.

Strolling amongst the stunning flora, you felt so much more free already.

"Stupid tea party, why can't we go on trips to the park?"
You complained to nobody, kicking a fallen fruit around.

Suddenly, a fruit dropped on your head making you say,
You looked up at the tree with a scowl.

"That's what you'll have to face if you go on park walks,"
The tree spoke.

"How is a tree speaking?"
You asked aloud as you circle around the tree.

"You tend to hallucinate when bored."
The tree spoke again.


"I do not hallucinate, i get an adequate amount of sleep everyday, and I'm certainly not bored."
Your arms were akimbo as you glared at the tree.

There was a small giggle that sounded from the tree.
A frosty blue haired boy popped out of the leaves, smirking at you.
"Then, you're certainly not a very bright person either."

That was the first time you met the heir of Kamurai.


You looked forward to seeing him everytime there was a boring tea party.

Slowly but surely, you grew to like his company and witty comments.

[End of flashback]

However, ever since the incident that turned him into a ghoul, he became more reclusive.
You stayed with him nonetheless.

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