A Pointy Start

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Hi Everyone, hope this part comes as mentioned in the time frame. Anyway, Hi to everyone reading.

As Ash embarked on his journey towards Viridian City, the weight of excitement and anticipation filled the air around him. With Squirtle bouncing alongside him, occasionally giving Ash playful smacks with its tail, they ventured onto Route 1. The path stretched out before them, lined with tall grass swaying gently in the breeze.

As they walked, Ash kept his eyes peeled, eager to encounter his first wild Pokémon. Suddenly, a rustling in the grass ahead caught his attention. Squirtle tensed beside him, ready for action. Ash's heart raced with excitement as he prepared to face his first wild Pokémon.

Emerging from the tall grass was a Nidoran, its horn glistening in the sunlight as it eyed Ash and Squirtle warily. Without hesitation, Ash reached for a Pokéball, ready to capture his first Pokémon.

"Squirtle, let's do this!" Ash called out, his voice filled with determination.

Squirtle nodded eagerly, ready to prove its worth as Ash's partner. With a determined gleam in its eyes, Squirtle dashed forward, water swirling around its shell as it prepared to unleash a powerful Water Gun.

But the Nidoran was quick on its feet, darting to the side to evade Squirtle's attack. With a snarl, it lunged forward, its horn glowing with a fierce energy as it aimed to strike Squirtle.

"Watch out, Squirtle! Dodge and use Tackle!" Ash commanded, his voice firm with resolve.

Squirtle heeded Ash's words, leaping gracefully to the side to avoid the incoming attack. With a burst of speed, it charged towards the Nidoran, its shell glowing with a blue aura as it slammed into its opponent with a powerful Tackle.

The Nidoran staggered back, but it wasn't ready to give up just yet. With a defiant growl, it launched itself at Squirtle once more, determined to prove its strength.

"Squirtle, use Bubblebeam!" Ash shouted, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

Squirtle obeyed without hesitation, summoning a barrage of sparkling bubbles that danced through the air towards the oncoming Nidoran. The bubbles enveloped the Nidoran, trapping it in a shimmering cascade of water.

Seizing the opportunity, Ash swiftly threw a Pokéball towards the trapped Nidoran, the red and white sphere soaring through the air with a determined arc. The Pokéball struck its target true, engulfing the Nidoran in a flash of light.

Moments passed, the tension in the air palpable as Ash and Squirtle watched with bated breath. Then, with a resounding click, the Pokéball stilled, signaling Ash's victory.

"Yes! We did it, Squirtle!" Ash exclaimed, his face breaking into a wide grin.

Squirtle let out a triumphant cry, its tail wagging happily as it celebrated their victory together. With a sense of accomplishment coursing through his veins, Ash picked up the Pokéball containing his newly captured Nidoran, excitement bubbling within him at the thought of the adventures that lay ahead.

With a sense of pride swelling in his chest, Ash released Nidoran from its Pokéball, watching as the Pokémon emerged with a determined gleam in its eyes. Squirtle approached its new companion, offering a friendly nudge of greeting. Ash smiled, patting both Pokémon affectionately on their heads. "Welcome to the team, Nidoran," he said, his voice filled with warmth. Together, the trio continued their journey towards Viridian City, the bond between trainer and Pokémon growing stronger with each step they took. The road ahead was long and uncertain, but with Squirtle and Nidoran by his side, Ash felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

And that's all from my side for the 3rd chapter everyone. Hope y'all liked it. I'll be sure to publish the next part very quickly.

Peace ✌️


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