A Fire-y Help

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Hey there everyone. I just checked today morning and we're now on 250 Reads. That's honestly quite an achievement in my life. Thanks for the help and I heartfully appreciate it.

Ash and Erika made their way toward the Celadon City Pokémon Center, eager to heal their Pokémon after the long trek through Rock Tunnel. The city bustled with activity, its tall buildings and lush greenery providing a sharp contrast to the dark, winding paths they had just navigated.

As they walked, a wild Ponyta suddenly galloped past them, its flames blazing brightly. Ash noticed a Team Rocket grunt chasing after it. The frightened Ponyta was heading straight for a building, and it looked like a collision was inevitable.

"Erika, take care of the grunt!" Ash shouted as he sprinted toward Ponyta.

Erika nodded and turned to face the Team Rocket grunt, readying her Pokéballs. Meanwhile, Ash focused on calming the panicked Ponyta.

"Easy there, Ponyta," Ash said softly, approaching it with his hands outstretched. "I'm here to help."

Ponyta skidded to a stop just inches from the wall, snorting and stamping its hooves. Its fiery mane flickered wildly, but it seemed to sense that Ash meant no harm.

Behind him, Erika was locked in battle with the grunt. The grunt's Pokémon were strong, and Erika was struggling to keep up. Ash quickly glanced back and saw Erika's determination wavering.

"Pikachu, help Erika!" Ash commanded, tossing Pikachu's Pokéball into the air.

Pikachu burst out, electricity crackling. It darted towards Erika and joined the fight, using its agility and powerful electric attacks to fend off the grunt's Pokémon.With Ponyta calmed, Ash led it into the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy took one look at the distressed Pokémon and immediately set to work. Ash watched anxiously as Ponyta was treated, noticing the greenish tinge in its flames—a sign that it had been subjected to the same mysterious liquid that had affected Squirtle.

"Another victim of Team Rocket's experiments," Ash muttered angrily, clenching his fists.

After what felt like an eternity, Nurse Joy returned with a now-calm Ponyta. "It should be fine now, but it needs rest," she said, smiling reassuringly.

Ash thanked Nurse Joy and led Ponyta to a nearby field, intending to release it back into the wild. "You're free now, Ponyta. Go on, find your herd," he said gently.

But as Ash turned to leave, Ponyta followed him, its eyes full of determination. "You want to come with me?" Ash asked, surprised.

Ponyta neighed softly, nuzzling his hand.

Ash smiled and took out an empty Pokéball. "Welcome to the team, Ponyta," he said as he tapped the Pokéball against Ponyta. The ball shook once, twice, and then clicked shut. Ash attached it to his belt, feeling a sense of pride and warmth.

As Ash reunited with Erika, who had successfully driven off the Team Rocket grunt with Pikachu's help, they continued their journey. Ash felt a new sense of purpose. With Ponyta now part of his team, he was even more determined to put a stop to Team Rocket's sinister experiments.

"Let's head to the Celadon Gym," Ash said, his eyes shining with resolve. "We have a badge to win."

Hope this was good. I know next chapter might kinda be like a repetition but I'm not having any ideas right now though. Sorry!

Peace ✌️

-Rithwik. . .

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