Thunderous Power

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Hey there everyone. Hope y'all are doing good today as well. I see we've been getting quite the number of reads. Thanks for that!

With determination burning in his heart, Ash marched towards the Vermillion City Gym, ready to confront Lt. Surge and rescue the captured Pikachu. As he entered the gym, he found Surge standing at the center, surrounded by the crackling energy of his Pokémon.

"Surge, I demand that you hand over Pikachu to me," Ash declared, his voice firm with resolve.

Surge's expression remained stoic as he replied, "And why should I do that?""Because I know what's best for Pikachu," Ash insisted. "It doesn't belong in a cage, subjected to your experiments."

Surge scoffed, crossing his arms defiantly. "You think you know better than me? I highly doubt that."

"Then let's settle this in a battle," Ash proposed. "If I win, you hand over Pikachu to me."Surge considered Ash's offer for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Very well. But don't expect me to go easy on you."

With that, the battle commenced. Surge sent out his prized Pikachu and Raichu, their electric powers crackling in the air. Ash responded by sending out Nidorino, his trusted Pokémon partner.

The battle was fierce, with Pikachu and Raichu launching powerful electric attacks against Nidorino. But Ash's Pokémon fought valiantly, dodging and weaving through the onslaught with skill and determination.

As the battle raged on, Ash knew he needed to end it quickly. With a decisive move, Nidorino unleashed a powerful Dig attack, catching both Pikachu and Raichu off guard. In a dazzling display of strength, Nidorino emerged victorious, defeating Surge's Pokémon with ease.

With a defeated sigh, Surge conceded defeat and handed Pikachu over to Ash. Without a word, he turned and left the gym, leaving Ash to care for the rescued Pokémon.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Ash called Professor Oak for advice on how to help Pikachu. Oak explained that Pikachu could only regain control if it experienced a near-death scenario once. Ash nodded solemnly, his mind already racing with plans to help his newfound friend.

Unbeknownst to Ash, outside the Pokémon Center, Team Rocket members Jessie and James watched from the shadows, their eyes narrowing with interest at the sight of Ash and Pikachu. However, they chose not to approach him, instead opting to observe from a distance.

Hope this interested you guys as well. Hope you enjoyed.

Peace ✌️

-Rithwik. . . 

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