Team Rocket's Entry once again...

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Hey there everyone. Hope you all are doing good. Also...we're close to reaching 350. That's quite a good number, won't you say? Well anyway...there's a bit of stuff I wanna ask you all. Stay tuned to find out.

After Belle's treatment was completed, Nurse Joy informed Ash and Erika that Belle would be fine but needed some rest. Ash thanked Nurse Joy and decided to stay in the Pokemon Center for the night. The next morning, as Ash prepared to leave, he received a message from Professor Oak, who had deciphered more details about the relics Ash had found.

Before he could read the message, an alarm went off in the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy announced that Team Rocket had been spotted near the Celadon Department Store, causing chaos and stealing valuable items. Ash and Erika rushed to the scene, determined to stop Team Rocket's plans.

At the department store, they found Jessie, James, and Meowth leading a group of grunts, loading a truck with stolen goods. Ash confronted them, demanding they stop their criminal activities. Jessie and James smirked, sending out their Pokemon, Arbok and Weezing, to battle Ash.

Ash called out Wartortle and Pikachu to take them on. The battle was intense; Arbok and Weezing used Poison Sting and Smog to create a thick, toxic cloud. Pikachu, with its quick reflexes, dodged the attacks and retaliated with Thunderbolt, dispersing the smog. Wartortle used Water Gun to push Arbok back.

Seeing their Pokemon struggling, Jessie and James grew desperate. They ordered a full-force attack, but Ash's Pokemon were ready. Pikachu used Iron Tail to knock out Arbok, while Wartortle's Hydro Pump overwhelmed Weezing, sending it crashing into Jessie and James.

Just as Ash thought they had won, a larger group of grunts appeared, ready to fight. Erika stepped in, sending out her Tangela and Gloom to support Ash. Together, they fought off the grunts, pushing them back with a combination of Grass and Electric attacks. Pikachu's Thunder Shock and Tangela's Vine Whip created a powerful synergy, disarming the grunts and forcing them to flee.

In the aftermath of the battle, the police arrived, led by Officer Jenny. She thanked Ash and Erika for their bravery and efforts in protecting the city. Jessie, James, and Meowth managed to escape, but their plans were foiled once again.

Back at the Pokemon Center, Belle had woken up and was grateful to Ash for his help. She revealed that Erika was the Gym Leader of Celadon City and invited Ash to challenge her once she had fully recovered.

Ash and Erika parted ways, each with a renewed sense of purpose. Ash, with his new ally Ponyta, was more determined than ever to stop Team Rocket and continue his journey to become a Pokemon Master. With the Celadon Gym challenge ahead, Ash knew he had to prepare for whatever lay in store.

Well...I guess the fight was missed all this time. Anyway, if y'all remember the question from the previous chapter...Should I keep this to Kanto itself or should I continue and take it to the next regions as well? My Discord is in my account bio, you guys can answer me there. Coz I doubt there are any polls here... Hehe. 😅

Peace ✌️

-Rithwik. . .

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