A Trio's formed

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Hey everyone. We've succesfully on 400+ reads and I'm feeling really proud of myself. Even of you guys. Enjoy this part.

Ash departed from Celadon City with his new badge gleaming in his collection. The city skyline faded behind him as he ventured towards Saffron City, eager to see what awaited him next. As he approached the bustling city, he spotted two familiar faces in the crowd.

"Brock! Misty!" Ash called out, waving enthusiastically.

"Ash! It's great to see you," Misty said, smiling. Brock nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"It's good timing, Ash," Brock said, taking Ash aside. "Misty and I are here to take down Team Rocket. We've heard they're conducting some illegal transactions inside Silph Co., a massive company building in the heart of Saffron City."

Ash's eyes widened with determination. "I want to help!"

Brock gave a cautious nod. "You can join us, but promise me you won't take on the higher-ups. They're much stronger and more dangerous than the grunts."

"I understand," Ash replied, nodding firmly. "I'll do my best."

With a plan in place, the trio made their way to the imposing Silph Co. building. The towering structure loomed over them, its glass exterior reflecting the afternoon sun. Inside, the tension was palpable. Team Rocket grunts were scattered throughout the building, guarding various rooms and corridors.

"Brock, Misty, let's show them what we've got!" Ash said, his resolve unwavering.

Brock and Misty swiftly engaged the grunts, their Pokémon expertly taking down the opposition. Brock's Onix and Misty's Starmie were unstoppable, clearing paths with ease. Ash, not to be outdone, sent out his Wartortle and Pikachu, battling fiercely alongside his friends.

"Water Pulse, Wartortle!" Ash commanded. Wartortle unleashed a powerful burst of water, knocking out a trio of Zubats.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu's electricity crackled through the air, incapacitating several more grunts' Pokémon.

As they progressed, Ash couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. His Pokémon had grown so much, and together, they were a formidable team.

Eventually, they reached a massive metal door, intricately designed and heavily fortified. The air was thick with anticipation.

"This must be it," Brock said, his voice low. "Beyond this door, we'll find the higher-ups of Team Rocket."

Misty nodded, her eyes steely. "We have to be careful. This won't be easy."

Ash looked at his friends, then at the door. "We can do this. Together."

Taking a deep breath, Brock pushed the door open, revealing a vast, dimly lit room. The trio stepped inside, ready to face whatever awaited them.

Peace ✌️

-Rithwik. . .

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