The Mystery of the Parcel

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Hey there everyone. Welcome back to Chapter 7. Hope you're doing great and happy with the recent chapters. Please consider following and I can communicate with y'all.

As Ash stood before Brock, clutching the mysterious parcel in his hands, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation coursing through him. With a deep breath, he handed the parcel to Brock, who took it with a curious grin.

Brock's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he examined the parcel, his fingers deftly undoing the string that bound it. With a swift motion, he opened it, revealing its contents. Inside was a letter, sealed with the emblem of Professor Oak.

Curiosity piqued, Brock read the letter aloud, his voice echoing through the quiet Gym. "Congratulations, Ash, on your victory in the Pewter Gym," he began, a hint of amusement in his tone. "It seems you're the one after all."

Ash's brow furrowed in confusion as he listened, wondering what Brock meant by "the one."With a chuckle, Brock continued, "It's all in here, Ash. Your next challenge awaits." With a flourish, he produced a trunk from behind the Gym's counter and handed it to Ash. "Go through it if you want."

Eagerly, Ash opened the trunk, revealing its contents. Amongst various items, he found a letter addressed to him by the mysterious man who had guided him thus far. In the letter, the man congratulated Ash on his victory and revealed the next step in his journey.

With trembling hands, Ash unfolded the map that accompanied the letter, his eyes widening in wonder as he studied its intricate details. It depicted the location of an ancient ruin, hidden deep within the wilderness surrounding Pewter City.

According to the letter, Ash's next challenge lay within the heart of this ruin—an enigmatic puzzle that he must solve to unlock its secrets.

Excitement bubbling within him, Ash thanked Brock for his guidance before setting off towards the desolate lands depicted on the map.

As he approached the ancient ruin, Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight before him. The ruins stretched out before him, a maze of crumbling stone and weathered pillars standing silent sentinel over the desolate landscape.

With a determined stride, Ash stepped into the ruins, ready to unravel the mysteries that lay within. Little did he know, his journey was about to take an unexpected turn, leading him down a path fraught with danger and discovery.

Hope this was good as well. Stay tuned to see the ruins.

Peace ✌️

-Rithwik. . .

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