Team Rocket's tasks...

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As evening settled over Vermillion City, Ash and his Pokémon were resting at the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy had just finished checking on Pikachu, and Ash was sitting in the lobby, reflecting on his recent victory and thinking about the journey ahead.

Suddenly, the doors of the Pokémon Center swung open, and Lt. Surge walked in. His presence immediately drew attention, and Ash stood up to greet him.

"Surge, what brings you here?" Ash asked, surprised but glad to see the Gym Leader.Surge looked serious, a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanor. "Ash, there's something important I need to talk to you about. Mind if we sit?"

They found a quiet corner in the Pokémon Center. Surge leaned forward, his voice low and urgent. "Team Rocket is up to no good again. They're using that green liquid you found with Squirtle to enhance their Pokémon, but it's causing more harm than good. Their Pokémon are getting stronger, yes, but the side effects are severe. Many of them are suffering, and some can't even control their own power."

Ash listened intently, his expression growing more serious. "That's terrible! Why would they do such a thing?"

Surge shook his head. "They want power, Ash. They don't care about the well-being of their Pokémon, only about how strong they can make them. I've heard reports of Pokémon turning aggressive, losing their minds. It's not right, and it needs to stop."

Ash clenched his fists. "I'll stop them, Surge. I promise. I can't let them hurt more Pokémon. I'll do whatever it takes to put an end to this."

Surge placed a reassuring hand on Ash's shoulder. "I knew I could count on you, kid. You've got a good heart, and you're strong. Just be careful. Team Rocket is dangerous, and they'll do anything to get what they want."

Ash nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I'll be careful, but I won't back down. I'll stop them, and I'll become the greatest Pokémon Trainer in the world."

Surge chuckled, some of his usual confidence returning. "That's the spirit. You've got what it takes, Ash. Good luck, and take care of that Pikachu. You both make a great team."

With a final nod, Surge stood up and left the Pokémon Center, leaving Ash deep in thought. He looked at Pikachu, who had just been healed and was now full of energy, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We're in this together, buddy," Ash said, patting Pikachu. "We'll stop Team Rocket and protect every Pokémon we can."

Pikachu responded with a cheerful "Pika-Pika!" and leaped onto Ash's shoulder.With renewed determination, Ash set his sights on the next leg of his journey, knowing that the road ahead would be tough but feeling ready to face any challenge that came his way.

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