Cascade Badge

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Hello there people. Hope you're doing good. Sorry, I changed Mt.Moon but don't worry, it is planned as well.

As Ash approached the Cerulean City Gym, a sense of anticipation surged through him. The Gym's azure façade shimmered in the sunlight, its watery motif hinting at the formidable challenge that lay within.

Stepping through the doors, Ash was greeted by a cascade of waterfalls and sparkling pools, the air thick with the scent of saltwater and sea spray. At the heart of the Gym stood Misty, the Water Pokémon Trainer, her cerulean eyes flashing with determination as she prepared to face her challenger.

"Are you ready for a battle?" Misty called out, her voice echoing through the cavernous chamber.Ash nodded, his heart pounding with excitement as he released Squirtle and Nidoran onto the battlefield. Misty's Pokémon, a Starmie and a Goldeen, leapt forward to meet their opponents, their sleek forms gliding effortlessly through the water.

The battle was intense, with Squirtle and Nidoran using their agility and cunning to outmaneuver Misty's powerful Water-type attacks. Waves crashed and sparks flew as the Pokémon clashed, each side refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

But as the battle reached its climax, Ash's strategy paid off. With a final surge of determination, Squirtle and Nidoran launched a coordinated assault, overwhelming Misty's Pokémon with a combination of Water Gun and Double Kick attacks.

With Misty's last Pokémon defeated, Ash emerged victorious, his Pokémon panting with exhaustion but triumphant nonetheless. As Misty recalled her Pokémon, her expression softened, a hint of respect shining in her eyes.

Impressed by Ash's skill and determination, Misty approached him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Ash nodded, unsure of what Misty meant but determined to find out. He reached into his bag and produced the parcel from Professor Oak, showing Misty the note contained within.

Misty's eyes widened in shock as she read the contents of the note, her expression betraying a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. "You're the chosen one?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Without another word, she handed Ash a map to a place called Mt. Moon, her gaze unreadable as she urged him to continue his journey.

With a sense of determination burning in his heart, Ash thanked Misty for the battle and the guidance, setting his sights on the next destination that awaited him on his path to becoming a Pokémon Champion: Mt. Moon.

I guess this was routine but don't worry, it's gonna go good. Our favorite villains are returning next chapter.

Peace ✌️

- Rithwik. . .

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