Chapter 2-I messed up

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I nervously said to Darry "I um... get into a fight with Donna today and got suspended." Darry was livid as he yelled out "you what!?" I repeated quietly "I got suspended, I didn't mean to." Darry was still livid as he said "'I forgot! I didn't mean to'! That's all I ever hear from you!" Sodapop then said "oh come on Darry, give her a break." Darry then yelled to Sodapop "Shut up, I'm sick and tired of you sticking up for her!"

I yelled to Darry "don't you yell at him!" That's when I felt a searing pain on the right side of my face, and I fell back to the ground. Everyone was wide eyed now. Darry tried saying "Jenny, I didn't mean to..." but before he could finish I was running out of the house.

I ran to an empty lot Ponyboy, Johnny, and I hung out at often. When I reached it I fell to the ground in tears. I wanted to run away, I couldn't handle Darry hollering at me and hitting me.

As I cried I heard a soft, gentle voice say "Jenny, what's wrong?" I could tell the voice was Johnny's, he had been the only one not to come to my house. I said between sobs "Darry hit me, ever since mom and Dad died he can't stand me, we used to get along just fine, and all my friends except Phoenix secretly hate me and I got suspended from school."

Johnny pulled me into a hug and said "hey, hey, calm down, everything's gonna be alright, I understand what you're going through, and I'm here for you." I knew he had struggles at his house, his parents abused him, he could understand me.

I wondered why he was helping me, he had always been the quiet one in the gang, and the beating he got from the Socs a few months ago hadn't helped matters. Johnny and I had never been really close, but Johnny and my brother Ponyboy were best friends.

I continued to cry until I fell asleep in Johnny's arms. After some time I felt someone kick my foot, not hard enough to hurt but enough to wake me up.

I opened my eyes to see Dally, who yelled in his New York accent "what the hell's wrong with you!? Running away like that! You scared the crap out of the hole gang!" Johnny said quietly "relax Dal, she's fine." Dally glared at Johnny, who then turned pale. Johnny never talked to anyone like that, especially not Dally.

Dally then pulled me up from the ground roughly. He then started walking and said "hurry up man." I tried to keep up with him. We soon arrived at my house. Dally said "found her." The rest of the gang was there.

Sodapop and Ponyboy ran over to hug my. Sodapop said in his soft voice "god Jenny, you scared the tar out of us." I then saw Darry, he had tears welling in his eyes, and I realized something, every time he was hollering at Ponyboy and I, it was just his way of showing his love for us.

Without a second thought I ran over and hugged Darry. He hugged back and a few tears slipped from his eyes as he said "I thought we lost you like we did Mom and Dad." After a few moments we pulled away from the hug.

Darry turned to Dally and said "thank you for finding her." Dally only gave a stiff nod in response. Darry then turned back to Ponyboy and I and said "You two better get some sleep." Ponyboy and I both nodded and said "that's a good idea, good night everyone." Ponyboy and I started heading to our rooms. I had my own room since Sodapop and Ponyboy shared one.

I changed into a pair of pajamas, realizing my clothes were soaked wet from the rain, and I was freezing cold. Once I finished changing, I quickly sunk under the covers, pulling them closer to me, trying to get some warmth. As sleep started to approach, I was worried I might get sick from being outside in the cold and wet for so long.

When I woke up the next morning, I realized my fears were correct. My nose was stuffy, and my throat felt sore and dry and my head felt like it was on fire. I remembered that I would be the only one home today, so I would have to take care of myself.

I groggily got out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and brought it back to my room. I then heard the door open, I wondered who would be coming over. Johnny then appeared in the doorway.

Johnny looked at me for a moment before saying "Jenny, are you okay, you don't look so good." I decided to mess with him a little bit and say "ouch." He turned pale and stuttered as he said "no.. no, that's not what I meant." I let out a chuckle, which turned into coughing. After I managed to stop coughing I said "I know, I was joking, but I am sick."

He looked concerned and said "is there anything I can get you?" I shook my head and said "no I'm okay." He then glanced down the hallway toward the door then back to me and asked "do you want me to stay with you." I nodded and patted the spot beside me on the bed.

Johnny walked over and sat on the spot beside me. We sat like that for a while before he got up and said "I'll see if there's any soup I can make for you." I gave him a soft smile and said "thank you Johnny." He walked out of the room and I could hear his footsteps growing quieter as he walked toward the kitchen.

Soon I heard the door open and close again and I heard voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I then heard footsteps approaching my room, wondering whose footsteps they were.

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