15. Too Much To Handle

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Third Person:

The next morning, Kendall had to wake up early to meet up with Dustin and write some music for Mr. Reid's band. He was all washed up and changed, while Jessie was still sleeping.

They had come back from their dinner and watched a Spider-man movie, that is until she fell asleep. He had carried her up to their room and tucked her in to bed.

He looks at her, admiring how sweet and tender she looked, sound asleep. He leans down to kiss her cheek and whispers, "I'll be back later."

She heard, but she stayed quiet because her eyes still wanted to be shut for a bit longer. So she spoke up softly, "I'll be waiting here."

Kendall stops at the doorway and turns around. "You thought you could get away, but you couldn't," he kisses her a few times, softly on her lips.

"It's cuz you can't resist this," she points at herself and smiles cheesy.

"Ok, you're absolutely right." They smile at each other for a few minutes. That is, until Kendall's phone starts to go off. "It's probably Dustin, wondering where I'm at."

"Well, don't leave him hanging. And let me know when I can meet your friends." She sits up and stretches her arms out.

He was looking at his phone and notices the 10 texts that he had received from Dustin. "Soon, I have to talk to each of them and see where in the world they are at."

"Well, let me know when. Now shooo, get out of here." She gets up from the bed and starts to push Kendall out the door.

"Hey there, I know I'm not wanted here." He looks at her, smirking. "I'll walk myself."

"Good, love you Kendork."

"Love you too Jazzica." They kiss goodbye and out he left.

Jessie's Point of View:

And there he goes, into the car and away from me. If it wasn't summertime, I would have been up and ready for work, but sadly my students are off having fun and away from their books. Unless they love to read. In which case, that's their hobby.

Can't believe that Kendall and I have been together for around 5 months. Unbelievable. Although it's not the longest relationship, it's the most sweetest and passionate one yet.

I can tell he puts effort into the relationship, which is why I don't want to jinx it or ruin my chance with him.

My stomach suddenly growls. "Ha, that sounded like a frog's croak." I softly pat my tummy. "There, there, my precious tummy, I'll go downstairs and get you some food, ok?" I quickly grab my sandals and walk to the kitchen.

I decided to get some cereal, special K with strawberries to be more specific. I then turn on the news and hear about an accident near the school. I turn the volume up a bit, "And the police have found little evidence for what seemed to be an attempted murder by a white man with an un-groomed beard to a young high school girl with the use of a deadly weapon. So far, the girl is found to be safe with minor injuries, while the man is still on the loose..."

This is why I don't like to watch the news. Then I hear about bad stuff that occurs in the world and I get sad and worried. But, since this is relevant to my area, I should probably record this and make a note of it. In case my students in the fall know this un-named girl.

I continue eating my cereal in peace, until I hear a commotion. The door.

I silently whine and get myself off of my comfy couch. Without saying a word, I check through the peephole.

Not him again! He's cute and everything, but forget this. I still open the door anyways.

"Hey Jess." He waves at me, "I was wondering if I could talk to you."

"Sure Logan, just come right in." I signal towards the sofa.

"Really? Thanks." He goes ahead and takes a seat. As he looks back at me, he notices my bothered self. "Jess, are you still bothered about what happened between us?"

With my arms crossed, I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "What made you say that?"

"Oh, good then." He takes his hat off and places it on the table.

Great, now I need to clean the table up with extra chlorine. Not that Logan smells bad, on the contrary. But I still don't feel comfortable with him coming over whenever Kendall isn't here. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"So, you needed to talk about?" I take a seat and grab my cereal bowl.

"Oh right. So I took your advice and tried to make up with Makenzie. But..."

Ugh oh, but's are never good. Unless you're talking about... Never mind.

Logan was still hesitating. So I continue, "But what?"

He buries himself in his hands. It sounds like he was about to cry.

I give him a comforting pat on the back and let him continue to cry. If I can handle Kendall grieving over someone as important as Yuma, I think I can handle Logan crying over some girl.

He wipes his eyes and continues, "But she doesn't want me anymore. She broke up with me last night."

I softly put my bowl on the table and sit up on the couch. "Did she say why? Or did you do something stupid?" I didn't laugh at my second question out loud, but internally I did.

"No, well, kind of..." He turns his body to face me. I hope this isn't round two for us. "I told her that there was another girl on my mind, another pretty girl who I wanted to get to know." He won't stop looking at me as he talks.

"Then there's your answer, doofus!" I raise my left hand point two fingers to my head. "Think before you speak, unless you want the girl to dump you on the spot."

"I just, I can't help it. That baby isn't mine! She cheated on me! And this other girl, well, I really like her, but I don't think it will work out."

I lean my head back on the couch. "Logan, how will you know if you've never even tried?"

He copies my position on the couch and answers, "Because, she's taken by someone else."

I tense up a bit, it better not be me. "Did you try, I don't know, getting to know her as a friend first? Because that is all I can see as a solution to your problem."

"Jessie..." I look over at him, "I'm talking about you."

My heart races a bit. Two guys crushing on me at the same time? What to do? The only right thing to do.

"Listen, Logan, I would be glad to be friends with you and hang out and stuff. But just know that I'm with Kendall. Your best friend. And I don't want there to be any problems between you guys." Logan nods.

"Then I guess that'll do. For now." He gets up, "I have to go now. Going to talk to Makenzie's family and let them know about the break-up."

"Ok then," I get up and walk him to the door. "Good luck with that."

"Thanks, can I get a hug?"

I don't hesitate and give him a hug. "Yes, friends hug each other, so this is okay."

"Good," he pulls back and gives me quick peck on the cheek.

"Logan!" I softly raise my voice.

"Ok, ok,. I'll stop. Bye Jess and thanks for listening to me."

"No problem, bye." I see him get to his car and then shut the door. At least I handled him gently, this time.


A/N: Happy 4th of July people! Here's a little something I wrote on the spot. I actually got an idea over the week on how to continue the story. All I can say is that James and Carlos will be in the story, and for an important reason. Enjoy your day with your families and thanks for your loyalty.

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