6. My Wonderful Job

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"Cuz maybe tonight the stars align!"

Yeah, that's my morning alarm. I know, real cheesy of me considering that I have a date with Kendall later tonight.

But first things first, my students. I quickly get ready to go to my class. I usually get there around 7am, in case my students needs extra help on homework or have any questions about their upcoming test.

I take a quick shower, dry my hair, pick out my clothes for work. I just picked some jeans, a nice formal blue shirt, and some black flats.

I then drive to school and arrive at 6:50. Luckily I had enough time to get my morning tea and oatmeal.

I head to unlock the door and put my lunch on the table. I then go to the white board and write down today's lesson plans.



It's lunchtime! I brought myself a ham sandwich, almonds, apple slices, and a water bottle.

I'm sitting down at my desk, about to take a bite, when all of a sudden, I see a text message from an unknown number. Mmm, I wonder who that could be?

I open the text message and read: Hey it's Kendall. Wear something comfortable and nice for tonight, but mostly comfortable. Can't wait to see you tonight beautiful ;)

I blush in that instant and then reply to him: Alright, sounds great. I'll definitely ditch the heels lol

I put my phone down and then take a bite of my sandwich. In that instant, a student comes up to me, her name is Bailey. "Good morning Ms. Garcia."

Trying to chew through my food quickly, I reply, "Good morning Bailey, did you do the homework?"

"Yup. I just have one quick question," she says as she pushes her glasses back in place.

I nod and say, "Ask away, what are you having trouble with?"

"It's not about the homework, but I notice that your really happy right now. I mean, you're always happy teaching us, don't get me wrong," she puts her hand in front as if to tell me to calm down... "But something is different about you. Is there good news?"

"Well, I wouldn't say good news, but you're right. Something different did happen." She looks really excited, as if she had made a new scientific discovery. She stood still and then motioned for me to continue. I swear, these students are my best friends and I just love speaking with them, even if it's about my personal life. "I went to my high school reunion last night."

"That's awesome! How was it?"

"Amazing, it brought me back so many memories and I'm glad that I got to see some old friends and I also met one of my role models, who I adored in high school."

"Really? Who was it? Was it Olivia Scotland?"

"Now who in the world is that? No it was not her, it was a guy. He was in my all time favorite boy-band." I then hear the bell ring in that instant.

"Please Ms. Garcia, can I know who it was?" She shakes her shoulders up and down, hoping to have an idea on who it was.

"Maybe later, class is about to start. And you should head to your next class." She looks a bit upset, but then follows directions and then I get ready to teach my next class.


It's 6 o' clock. That's usually around the time that I leave the classroom daily. That is how dedicated I am to my students, especially since math is a hard subject for most of them. Grabbing my purse and keys, I go out and lock the classroom. I head home and listen to my old boys CD's along the way:

You drive me crazy, I'm so into you
Tell me baby, do you feel it too?
And the taste of your lips got me feeling high
Girl, I swear you're an angel in disguise
Just one look in your eyes got me hypnotized
I'll never be the same

'Cause I'm lost in love, lost in love
And I don't wanna be found
Lost in love
So glad I've found you girl
So let's stay lost in love

Hearts beat faster, I don't know what to do
I can't stop feeling what I'm feeling for you
And the taste of your lips got me feeling high
Girl, I swear you're an angel in disguise
Just one look in your eyes got me mesmerized
C'mon let's run away

'Cause I'm lost in love, lost in love
And I don't wanna be found
Lost in love
So glad I've found you girl
So let's stay lost in love
Lost in love

So let's stay lost in love
Lost in love
And I don't wanna be found
Lost in love
So glad I've found you girl
So let's stay lost in love...

Tell me baby, do you feel it too?

Man, those voices, those angelic voices. Can't believe how obsessed I was with them in my high school days. But now that I have a date with one of them in a bit, I can remember why.

15 minutes later I arrive home and quickly run to my closet. I pick a pair of skinny jeans, my red converse, and then a black, slimming fitting shirt. I go take a shower, dry my hair, style it nicely to put it in an up-hair do. I put a flower head band on, with a matching bracelet, and then my gold necklace.

That gold necklace. It means a lot to me because it's that last gift I received from my grandma before she passed away. "I miss her so much," I tell myself as I look into the mirror. Before I start to cry, I wipe my eyes and then begin to apply my make up. I chose to only put a bit of foundation, mascara, lip balm, and extra concealer, since I'm a hard working teacher who gets up really early, every day.

As I put some perfume on, one called Midnight Dare from Victoria's Secret, I hear my ring tone playing. I look over and see that Kendall had sent me a few messages:

Hey, I'm on my way ;)

Don't forget to be comfortable, I warned you so many times :P

Almost there, can't wait to see you ;)

Man, is it me or does he seem, like, really excited? What the heck, I should be the over-excited one.

I take one quick look in the mirror, fix any hairs that are sticking out with some bobby pins and then my doorbell rings. I head towards the door and there, in front of me, is a happy guy called Kendall Schmidt.

"Wow!" He stares at me from top to bottom. "You look beautiful," he grabs my right hand and kisses it. It feels a bit weird, cuz that's how my ex from many years ago acted when he first told me he likes me. I really should just shut up and move on to the cute guy that's in front of me, right? Plus, that was over 15 years ago. I should really look for a therapist if this continues on.

"Thanks, you look really cute. I love your vans." He looks down at them and smiles.

"Thanks. Shall we go?" He holds his arm out, ready for me to take.

I gladly take it and say, "We shall..."


A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the super late update. I've had a lot of homework to catch up on and was barely able to finish this part. The next part will focus on their date. Where will they go? Will it be the worst date ever or the best in Jess' life? You'll all find out soon enough. Read, vote, comment, enjoy, and share :)

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