2. At the HS Reunion

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I arrive with my two best friends and am amazed by all of the decorations. I mean I never really went to HS dances so I can't compare this to back then, but I see a lot of nice Hollywood inspired decorations.

There's a red carpet where someone is taking pictures of anyone that wants to. There are stars on the floor with names on them like the Hollywood walk of Fame. There is music playing from soundtracks of the most popular movies of this time. There is punch in a bowl, which sucks because people could easily add drugs to it just like I've seen at other places. Plus I don't like punch. Luckily, I see a pack of water bottles on the side, along with some appetizers and snacks on a few tables.

"Wow, this feels great!" I say. "Being here, reunited with two of my best friends in the whole world," I say to them while hugging them around there shoulders. After all, I am much taller than them, especially with my shoes.

"I agree." Jenny smiles while trying to look for a certain someone. Who? I'm not exactly sure. Unless it's our best friend Alan, whom she dated all throughout high school, until he dumped her a couple months after graduation.

"Don't tell me... you're looking for him?" Mari adds. She was always the mind reader and wisest of our crew. Even if she had not experienced what we were going through, she still had an idea of what to say at the right moment.

"How'd you know?"

"Duh, I'm Mari! And I know you well enough to infer that." She starts to walk around the room to look out for him. But instead, she sees our other friend Yameena. Why did her parents give her that name? I have no clue. But we call her Yami instead.

"Yami! Over here." Mari says. They both wave at her and Yami heads towards us.

"So, how's everyone doing?" Yami asks. She studied psychology at the same school as me. Since I saw her every other day for chapel, I know how she's doing. She's more of a tom-boyish kind of girl, never wears dresses. The only time I saw her in a dress was in her quince.

"Awesome!" I say

"I'm good," Jenny says.

"Just working hard on the job." Mari shows off her police badge to us all. She always told us that she wanted to become a cop or even work for the FBI. I guess she chose this one. We all stare at her shiny badge like it's a diamond. Really, really, shiny.

"Are you undercover right now?" I ask.

"A police officer is always on the job, whether they are at a HS reunion or on their way to catch a thief." We all laugh along with her. Man, it feels great to be united again.

Mmm, now that I think about it, there is one person that I have not seen. Wonder where he is?

Oh, I meant to say that I haven't seen one of my middle school best friends who became something more to me. Yeah, we dated for about a year, but then we drifted apart. Why? I have no clue, but it was a mutual decision. Even though it took me three long years to get over him, I still miss him at times.  I wonder how he is doing with his life.

Anyways, we then continue to talk about our college experiences, our jobs, and how our personal lives are going. After a good 30 minutes, we hear a microphone being tested. You know those times that you hear the squeaky noise of a microphone when it's pointed at the stereo? That caused an echo of "OUCH" across the room.

"Sorry for that. Anyways, welcome back class of 2013!" Our class president says while lifting both of her hands up. Regardless of the harmful noise, everyone claps, cheers, and there were even a few whistles. "Hope everyone has had an amazing time catching up with old friends and seeing old classmates again. But right now I'm going to have to ask everyone to please make their way to the auditorium. We have a special guest and speech coming from a few fellow classmates and teachers."

Most people start to make their way to the place, while my friends and I wait to see if we recognize anyone else. "Do you guys see anyone?" Mari asks.

"Mmmm, oh I see Marcus. Hey, Marcus!" He turns around. Jenny waves to him and tells him to come over.

"Hey guys, how's it going!" Marcus is our other best guy friend. He would always say hi to me while walking through the hallway.

"Good, good. How about you? How's your love-life?" Mari asks. I always thought that Mari had a thing for him, but she says that he's more of a brother to her. A couple years after graduation, he came out to me, so I guess that's why they never were an item.

"Oh, it's going good. Been in a relationship for the past three years," he blushes a bit. He must really love him.

"Have either of you proposed yet?" Jenny asks. Since she was in a relationship for a good 4 years, she knows a thing or two about feeling the urge of getting engaged. Our friend Alan even admitted to me sophomore year that he was going to propose to her sometime in the future. But since they ended it, I guess she will never know.

"No, it's too early still. I'm barely meeting his parents next week."

We continued to speak to him, as we headed to the auditorium. We luckily found seats somewhere towards the middle rows, on the left edge. I let everyone go through first. I don't know why, but I have a need to sit on the edge of a row, plus it feels good to be nice.

However, Mari insists that I go before her. As a police officer, she might have to pull out her gun and badge. So she needs all the space that she can get.

We get comfortable in our seats and say hi to more classmates that are near us. A few minutes after, the class president goes on stage again. "Hello everyone. I'm here to proudly present an artist who is not well known by many of us, but he is willing to show us his talent and passion and hopes to inspire many of us. He was on a Nickelodeon TV show back in 2009 and now he has his own record label. Here to sing with his band, Heffron Drive, is Kendall Schmidt!!! Give it up everyone!"

What in the? Kendall Schmidt is at my high school reunion! This day cannot get any better!


A/N: Hi Rushers and Drivers. I tried to make this chapter much longer. I think I did alright. For sure Kendall will sing in the next chapter. What will happen? Will he fall for someone? Will he bring BTR to the stage as well? Find out soon :) Read, vote, and share!

FYI, just felt like putting the Katy Perry song as a fun reunion song. Enjoy!

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