19. Shopping!

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"Kendall?" I pat his back as we both lay in bed. "Are you awake yet?"

He lightly moans. I'll take that as a no. I decide to get up from bed a quickly take a shower.

As I'm wrapping the towel around myself, I hear the door opening. "Good morning sunshine," he leans to hug and kiss me, so hard that my towel slips as he lets go.

Uhhh, I quickly pick it up and put it on myself, "Good morning to you too."

"Sorry for that. However, that's a sexy body that I just witnessed."

I blush and turn back towards him. "Thank you, I guess you can say we're even?"

"Oh, don't think I've forgotten about that sweetie. That's still on the table. This was just a little accident," he winks at me and goes back to do his business in the restroom.

I quickly text my girls if they wanted to go shopping around lunch time. They both reply yes and Mari agreed to pick both of us up around 10am.

I then decide to get dressed in black shorts, a blue casual shirt that says #flawless, and my white converse. I then decided to add a headband to top it off, along with a special gold necklace that Kendall bought me for my birthday this past year. It has an arrow, a feather, and a diamond shape. It's so simple, yet so beautiful.

"Where are you going?" Kendall came out in his towel and stared at me.

"I'm going shopping with my friends. In fact, I kind of need to talk to you about something..." I sit on our bed and he follows.

"If it's about the money, then I'll give you my credit card. That way you don't worry about it."

"No, Kendall, it's not about the money." I look him in the eyes. "Could we possibly set up a triple date for Dustin, Logan, and my friends Mari and Jenny?"

"Oh, but of course. I don't see why not." He side hugs me, since we were sitting next to each other. "When is a good day?"

"Sometime this week, hopefully."

"Alright, I'll text the guys and see when is good."

"Thanks Kendall, you're the best."

"Well, I do have my moments."

"Ok, I'll make us a quick breakfast and then wait for my friends to pick me up."

"Thanks babe," he kisses my cheek and downstairs I head to cook up some eggs with bell pepper. Since my dad has type 2 diabetes, I have to still be careful on what I eat. Plus, Kendall loves to eat healthy anyways, so it's a win-win situation.
"Kendall, my friends are here. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Ok, and I'm actually meeting with Dustin asks Logan for lunch to convince them about the date over lunch."

"Thanks again. Text me when you have an answer. Bye," we kiss goodbye and out I go to meet the girls in the car. Our friend Marcus was apparently joining us as well. Perfect, another opinion always helps out.

"Hey everyone, how's it going?" I get in the back seat next to Jenny, while Mari drives with Marcus in the passenger seat.

"Good," they each reply. Marcus then continues, "I was just telling Mari and Jenny how my boyfriend impressed my parents so much, that they gave him their blessing."

"Are you serious? So, wait, are you guys getting married?"

"Well, he hasn't proposed yet. But I have a feeling he might pop the question soon."

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