4. You? And Why Me?

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Kendall. It, it's Kendall. He's sitting right next to me. I'm speechless. Come on Jessie, don't be that lame girl who got her backpack caught on a chair during his meet and greet. Be the new, mature teacher that you are.

"Hello. I'm Jessie," I place my hand towards him, hoping for a handshake and a response. But instead, he whispers, "Let's go somewhere more private," and grabs my hand, pulling me out of my seat. We start heading out of the auditorium.

Normally, I'd be furious with a guy pulling me out of my seat. That's no way to treat a lady. But... it is Kendall Schmidt, so I guess I'll let that slide... for now.

He takes me to a far back seat, in one of the last rows and then motions for me to sit next to him. "Okay then..." I always say that when I'm confused on other people's actions or I don't understand something. I head inside the row and then he sits down next to me. He continues to stare at me, like if he recognizes me or something.

"Umm, hello? Are you okay there?" I ask him, waving my hand in his face. His face then changes to a 'I remember now' kind of face.

"I remember you now." Well, that's weird. I've only met him once, then again he did tweet me an answer to a question one time. But that was a long time ago. With all the touring, song-writing, girls, and fans that he's been through, there is no stinking way that he can remember me.

"You do?" I reply with a confused look.

"Yeah, you're the girl who got her backpack caught at the meet and greet. Was it at City Walk?"

"Yeah that was me. But how do you remember?"

He leans back on his seat, "I just have a good memory, I guess."

"Wow." I sounded like I don't care that he just said that comment. He looks at me a bit hurt. "I didn't mean to sound like that. I meant wow! That's great."

"Thanks." Kendall then went ahead and grabbed my left hand. He started to feel the softness of it. Then he picks it up, kissing it, and then asking, "So, you're a Driver?"

"Yup. And I'm also a Rusher." I have been a Rusher much longer than a Driver though. I've supported BTR since they came out in 2009, but then an official Driver in 2013.

"That's great to hear." He keeps looking into my eyes, like he wants something more.

"So... what's up? Why did you want a more private place?"

He grabs both of my hands in that instant and then says, in the most soothing voice that I've ever heard, "I want to get to know you."

My world stopped turning for a moment. Did he just seriously say that? Okay, relax Jesse. Remember that you're a Logan girl, Kendall will be more of a friend to you. Tell him that.

But before I can speak, he asks, "Will you go out to dinner with me?" 

 "Umm, sure." I'm the worst at replying to date offerings. Mostly because I've only had one boyfriend, and he rarely asked me out on official dates. I think he only did that once, which is weird considering we dated for a bit over a year. I should really stop thinking and reply to Kendall now, huh? "What did you say again?"

"I said that's great. I'll pick you up after your high school reunion is over."

I didn't think this would happen to me. But what I didn't know is what was coming up next.

I blinked my eyes a few times and realized that Kendall was an inch away from my lips. After a few seconds, he leans forward and our lips meet.

My eyes opened up in shock. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm a Logan girl at heart, but Kendall Francis Schmidt is kissing me. After getting into the moment, I start to kiss him back. I get caught up in the moment, feeling his heart beat speed up as my hand touches his chest.

 After a couple of minutes, I pull back, while he still holds my waist, and say, "I'll meet you later," I place my index finger on his nose. He smirks back at me and then gives me one more kiss.

"Ok, let me have your number please." Wow, it's really polite of him to say please. I blush a little and then grab a pen from my bag and write it on his hand. Hey, he didn't say where to write it.

I cap the pen again and then stand up. I forgot that I was wearing wedges for a bit that I almost fall onto him. He quickly catches me, staring back at me, with his beautiful, green eyes.

I stand back up, nice and with balance. "Bye Kendall."

"See you later."

I start walking back to my seat and see that Mari had just arrived to her seat. I then go back into my seat and she immediately asks, "So, how was it?" She was smiling with a common 'I know you like him' kind of face.

"Wait, you saw?" I thought she was real caught up in her speech that she wouldn't notice me leaving with Kendall.

"Kind of, but Jenny told me what happened. Answer my question though!"

"Okay, okay. He's really nice, tall, has manners, is a great kisser and he remembers me, for some strange reason."

"Wait, he kissed you!" Jenny overhears from two seats afar. People around her start to shush her because the president was speaking on stage again. "Sorry, anyways," she tries to whisper, "he kissed you?"

To make it less awkward, since classmates were still around us, I simply nodded yes and said, "I'll talk about it later, ok?"

She smiles and nods. Mari, being my best friend and sister continues to ask me about it. I think it's also because she wants to see if I'll be okay with him. She was there for me during my heartbreak and doesn't want to see me go through it again.

"Wait, so you agreed to go on a date right away? And you gave him your number?"

I lower my eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah." Mari looks upset. She is like a mother to me at times. "What? At least I didn't agree to marry him when I first met him!" Just made another Frozen reference. That movie was really annoying back then, especially with everyone singing 'Let It GO' at the top of their lungs.

Mari laughs, she got the reference. "Okay, I'll give you that. When's the date again."


"Alrighty then, I'll come along and be on guard."

"You don't have to do this."

"I want to, you're my best friend and you won't even know I'm there. I'll be sitting down from afar, with my face hiding behind the menu."

I cracked up in that instant, but covered my mouth so it wouldn't be loud. Luckily people started to clap for who knows what and I let all my laughter out.

The assembly ended and then everyone was able to go back into the gym to either dance, hang out, or eat with friends. My friends wanted to go eat out instead, as a group. They were inviting me as well, but told them I have plans.

"What other plans? Jess, we barely see each other after so many years and you just want to ditch us?" Jenny, dramatically says.

"Shut-up, I saw you last month," I laugh. I don't know why, but I tend to have a thing with laughter. Sometimes the phrase or joke isn't even that funny, yet I still laugh.

 "Whatever, you know you love me," she says in a friendly tone.

"You're right, I can't deny it. Can't deny that I love all of you guys. You're like my family, apart from my blood related ones," I then stop to put everyone in a group hug. It was awkward at first for Yami and Marcus, since they rarely hug others, but Mari and Jenny were into the friendship love.

I just stood there, for a good minute or so, enjoying the hug and touch of my closest friends.


A/N: And, there we go. There's another chapter for you guys. I think I'm getting better at this first person type of writing, what do you guys think? As always... read, vote, share, and most of all... ENJOY!!!! #Driver4Life #Rusher4Life #StandForever #24Seven

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