11. Moving In

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Kendall and I have been together for about 3 months now. It has honestly been a wonderful time for me. I didn't think that I could fall in love again, especially with someone like him.

Kendall has been hanging out with me every day, even when I had to stay after school for events. He has been sleeping over lately and even helping me correct tests and quizzes for my classes.

Because of that, I decided to let him move in with me. I mean, he is normally here, so why not make it official?

Kendall and I are currently bringing in some boxes from his car. He brought lots of clothes.

We set the stuff down and I quickly find a shirt with a rock guitar on it. I put it in front of me, like if I was was trying it on.

Kendall whistles all of a sudden. "What you looking at?"

He looks through another box. Ignoring my claim, he found a picture frame. It had a picture of his family, adding with Yuma.

I walk behind him, looking at the picture. I hear him breathe in deeply. "I know just the place for this baby."

I take the frame and put it on the TV furniture. He hugs me from behind and starts to kiss me on my neck. It feels nice, and I felt like going to my room with him that very moment.

But then the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" I ask.

"I think I know who. May I?" He asks. I approve and he goes to open the door. It was non-other than Logan Philip Henderson. My childhood celebrity crush!

I stood in shock as I saw him. The guys hug each other hello and Logan comes in. He sees me and presents himself. "Hi, I'm Logan, a friend of Kendall."

He shakes my hand, "I know who you are." I smile at him, "I'm Jess. Please, make yourself at home.” I signal around the place. "Are you thirsty or can I get you anything to eat?"

"Some water would be nice. Thanks." He looks to Kendall and then both walk to the couches.

"Excuse my boxes of stuff." Kendall moves them away from the couch.

"It's alright. No biggy." Logan takes a seat and sounds upset from what I hear.

Kendall sits by him and asks, "How are you doing?"

Logan covers his eyes with his hands and when he takes them off, I'm there with his water. "Thanks," he takes it and quickly drinks it, almost like if it was a shot.

"I just can't believe she did this. How could she do this to me?"

Being the nice woman I am, I excuse myself and go to get some snacks. I can tell Logan is going through something hard, I just wish I could help in some way.

"I don't know. Why did you guys fight again?" Kendall asks. I could obviously hear them since the kitchen is connected to the living room, meaning there is no wall for privacy.

"Because Makenzie was jealous of how much my fans love me. One went so far as to get a tattoo of my face on her thigh..."

Kendall sits up straight from the couch and says, "You serious?"

Logan lays back, trying to get comfortable on the couch, "Yeah, can't believe she got jealous over that."

"No, I'm talking about the tattoo!" Logan gives Kendall an upsetting stare.

"Really?" Kendall nods and the motions for Logan to continue his story. "Anyways, we fought one night and she decided to leave and stay over at a "friend's" house," Logan puts fake quotes around friend.

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