Who are you

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You don't need to be told you're not welcome here to know it. Even that cheery, bundle of joy that welcomed you here kept a considerable distance from you and flinched when you reached for the bag that she was offering you. You'd forgotten her name well before she dropped you off at the apartment, and saved her contact as 'Chatty'.

Other than the cash you're positive people will assume you've stolen, you were given a few sets of button ups and slacks, a phone, some toiletries and a hand-drawn map of heaven. The phone is able to make calls and fuck all else, which surprises you none. The apartment seems to be furnished and roomy though, so at least there's that.

You're currently sitting crossed legged on the kitchen island, missing the hell out of coffee and booze and wondering why you aren't happier right now. Hell was hell, but at least you had buddies and fun things to do. You take a deep breath and are about to sigh, but you interrupt yourself with an embarrassingly shrill, surprised squeak when some guy kicks, literally kicks, open your door.

The messy-haired, golden eyed dude stares at you with the same amount of distaste you're glaring at him with. He speaks first. "Wow. You're seriously supposed to be the big-bad everyone's talkin' about? What are you? Four foot nothin'?"

"...Excuse me?" The only reason you haven't screamed 'get the hell out' is because this is the most interesting thing you've seen happen in heaven so far.

"You're excused." He grins like he's the funniest damn thing in existence. The way you need to suppress a chuckle as you roll your eyes makes you mad at yourself.

"What do you want?" You make the effort to sound unamused.

"For you to go back to rightfully burning in hell." Despite his cheeky smile, you can tell he means it based on the bitterness laced in his tone.

"Hm. Okay. I'll consider doing that... If you leave immediately."

"You wouldn't have a choice if it were up to me." He narrows his eyes and would seem rather ominous if not for the fact you've seen a million scarier things in your lifetime. "Fortunately for you, neither of us will be getting our wishes granted."

"Just leave." Your patience is running thin now.

"No can do, short-stuff." He takes a step closer to you, grinning smugly as he unsubtly tries intimidating you with his hight and size.

"Leave, or you'll be thrown out in pieces." You lean forward in your 'seat' that is a counter top and impatiently tap your fingers against its surface, looking less calm than you did before.

You weren't given wings or a halo and you didn't get to keep your horns and tail. You look just like your old human self, for better or for worse, except your pupils unknowingly still constrict into thin, predatory slits when you're angry. An unnecessary reminder to all except you that you're unholy still. You and pretty much any demon wouldn't consider you angry, but you're peeved enough to have your eyes change.

"Try it, bitch. I dare you." He really is daring you. He's as unafraid of you as you are of him.

What proceeds is a stare down that lasts too long for comfort, both parties deciding whether or not killing the other is worth getting kicked out of heaven for. It's tempting. You refuse to back down first. However he doesn't seem to mind doing it, which frankly confuses the hell out of you.

"Mhm." He makes a snarky expression like he's trying to rub a loss in your face, then turns and walks into your living room. He flops himself into the sofa like he owns the place and clicks on the TV like he's relaxing after a long day of work.

"What the-" You can hardly believe your eyes as you get up and follow him. "Are you for real?"

He doesn't answer and doesn't even acknowledge you spoke.

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