It's cute n'all

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It's your fourth day in heaven and this is the second time you've been startled awake by Adam. He kicks open the door and greets you at full volume.

"Gooood morning!" He sings, slapping on the light and tossing open the curtains

Oh no, not again. You hide beneath the blanket, shun him and silently pray he'll leave you alone. Your prayers fall on deaf ears. In order to cut the time it takes you to fully wake up in half, he resorts to a brand new method that you'd consider record breaking levels of awful. He flops his entire body on top of you and crushes you with his weight.

It does indeed wake you right up. You eek with what little air you're able to grasp and flail around like a bug held under foot.

"Adam- gh- get th'hell off me-!" You wheeze.

He pretends to snore.

"Adam!" You scream, but it comes out sounding about as loud and intimidating as a kitten's first hiss.

"Dollyester!" He replies tardily with enthusiasm, propping himself onto his elbows and looking down at you.

"Eugh- I can't breathe-"

"I slept well, thanks for asking." He smiles, using a saccharine and sarcastic delivery.

You thump your head against the pillow twice and groan frustratedly, everything below your shoulders being pinned beneath him. You have your brows knitted together angrily and your eyes only barely opened.

"Rghh... Fuck ooofff..." It sounds more like a beg than a demand.

Instead of acting according to your wishes, he sits up onto his knees and pulls you up with him, still straddled over your legs. He thinks you look pretty, even though arguably you look messy. You look pretty when you're angry, too. He doesn't think a sinner should be allowed to look like that. It's not fair. He clears his throat and tries to ignore those factoids.

"No can do! Lots to get done this morning, so, up and at 'em!" He holds your back with one hand and your face with the other. He pats your cheek a few times to focus you.

You whinge at the sounds of that, and nuzzle your head into his hand to make him stop giving you those mini slaps. He pauses as you leaning into the touch as if it weren't supposed to be a bad thing, and loses his train of thought entirely for a moment. You look so cute and harmless while puffy-eyed and sleepy. Your face feels soft and warm in his hand. He wants to hold you there and be the support you rest on. Okay, no, enough of that. Focus. You're someone and something he hates. He pinches your cheek between his thumb and index finger.

"Did you hear me? Rise and shine, deadbeat." He forces a stern demeanour.

You scrunch your nose and pout at being pinched, but it isn't painful. Your legs have gone numb, though. This bastard's really heavy.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Gimme a minute..." You mumble, continuing to use his hand as a pillow. It's big enough to hold your head up easily and comfortable enough for you to sleep on. You wouldn't be opposed to it. He, however, is.

"Nope!" He announces loud enough to give you an instant headache. He gets off the bed and pulls you up with him, guiding you by your shoulders to the dresser and mirror.

Your face and hair have doubled in side, your shirt is bunched up on one side and has fallen off your shoulder on the other, and you have a shrimp-like posture going on. He pats your back too hard as some sort of encouragement and leans over from behind you to pull open a couple drawers. You, meanwhile, are lazily running your fingers through your hair and occasionally glancing at him through the mirror.

"We're kinda in a rush, Donkey. So, if you'd hurry up and quit looking like you've just come outta hibernation, that'd be great."

He pulls out a dress he remembered you bought because of his input and holds it flushed to your body. It's long, a pale blue, and leaves plenty up to the imagination.

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