Morally dubious

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It's barely past eight o'clock, yet Adam claims he's 'beat' and 'needs his beauty sleep'. He's one of the worst liars you've ever seen. You would barge into his bedroom like he often does with yours, but he has one of the only locking doors in the apartment. You've known he's been keeping things from you since day one, and today's only further proven the balance of power between you two is skewed in his favour. Some rebalancing is long overdue, and you won't muck about with it like last time.

You need a way in his room that doesn't involve precariously picking locks and sneaking around at midnight, ideally. Some sneakiness is probably inevitable, but you're sure you can manufacture the benefit of the doubt if you're already in there. The obvious plan of action would be to show up at his door in nothing but a towel and ask to use his shower, since he seems like the type of guy that would fall for that, but you've already showered today, so he probably would see right through it.

The next obvious course of action would be to fake an injury. Although, for whatever reason, you don't feel comfortable doing that to him. He looks anxious when you get hurt, even though you heal quickly, and the goal is to get something to hold over his head while damaging the relationship as little as possible. He might never know it was faked, but you always will.

The plan you've settled on is breaking your bed. There's a chance that he'll fix it right away, or that he'll summon an airbed or something, but you think you'll have a good chance at being allowed to share his bed if you act and dress the right way. It's as morally dubious as the false injury plan, but in your mind it's slightly less so, and in all honesty much easier to pull off.

Wearing your lightest coloured, shortest and loosest set of pjs, you start jumping on the bed like a sugar-high child, which is more fun than you expected. It takes a few minutes, but the supports are beginning to creek and splinter. Just a little more, and... One of the legs gives out with a loud crack, and you crumple down onto your knees as the bed suddenly tips over beneath you.

You hop off the bed and skip over to Adams door, taking off the eager smile and replacing it with a 'guilty' one as you knock. You hear a bit of shuffling around, a drawer being shut, a few footsteps, then the lock click and the handle turning. You're going to try to not say any outright lies.

"What?" He deadpans, looking down at you and your attire with a raised brow.

"Heyy, so... I may have, sorta, maybe, totally broke my bed..." You twiddle your thumbs and sheepishly deliver your lines.

"Are you actually bein' forreal right now?" He looks about as thrilled as you had expected.

"Yeah... My bad..." You chuckle nervously and rub the back of your neck.


"Jumpin' on it..." You pause. "Would it be okay if I stayed with you tonight?"

You make puppy-dog eyes at him and smile as adorably as you can without disgusting yourself. The expression on his face remains stiff and steady as he deliberates in silence. He could put you on the couch, or on the floor, or make you use your own bed regardless of its current state. You could be lying, or planning on smothering him with a pillow in his sleep, or pranking him, even.

Then again, maybe you're being truthful, or perhaps even lying for a reason he might secretly approve of. Maybe the pretty girl just wants to sleep beside the pretty, awesome guy? His problem is he wants that badly enough to believe it, and the problem with that is he hates your guts. He hates what you are, what you were, your attitude, the way you speak, the way you remind him of the worst parts of himself, and, above all else, he hates that you don't try to make him like you.

You wont listen, smile and nod like he thinks you ought to, which frustrates him to no end. He doesn't usually have too much trouble being liked, as the first man, but you're so damn stubborn and careless. It should make you less desirable, really. But it doesn't. The fact he has no idea if you're even capable of affection makes him want to receive even more. He wants you to like him like you should. So, when you shoot that cute smile his way, it makes him giddy.

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