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You cornered Adam first thing this morning. You woke up full of brash energy and a pair of horns on your head, thanks to all the hell-like excitement you've been getting lately, and wouldn't quit probing him for answers until you felt he gave a sufficiently convincing one. The one you got wasn't the full truth, but you bought into it purely because he looked uncomfortable telling you.

"Pft, seriously?" You roll your eyes and chuckle. "Just tell 'em they're being dramatic and need t'grow a pair."

"Oh, yeah, that'll fix everything. Thanks for the tip, wise-ass." He smiles sarcastically.

"Why's it bothering you, anyway? It's not as if they'll actually die."

"Moral's important, dipshit, and they're even bein' apprehensive durin' the training sessions."

"Boo-hoo. Go find tougher bitches."

He grabs a piece of popcorn from the bag and tosses it at you. You catch it in your mouth. You two have been doing this during the entire chat.

"Can't. Barely anyone knows about the exterminations, and I've already been lucky t'find this many angels willin' to fight."

"Okay..." You pause to think, your tail whipping around playfully behind you. "Let me help, then!"

"What?" He stops what he's doing and looks at you like you've said something offensive, hesitating to throw the next snack in the air.

You lean forward and nip the popcorn out from between his fingers.

"Yeah," You mumble as you chew. "Give 'em somethin' real to practice on."

He wipes his hand on his shirt but keeps his gaze firmly set on you. You can see the cogs turning in his head. He's examining you like you're under investigation. Despite it outwardly looking like you've regressed and strayed farther away from redemption, you seem to be genuinely offering help and support. However, he still doesn't like your idea.



"I don't think you're capable of fightin' without it being to the death. You're too unpredictable."

That's only half the reason. He knows the exterminators are trying to practice fighting to the death, against sinners that look almost identical to you, no less, and he's concerned for your safety. You're his jewel that he doesn't want scratched. You need protecting more than you know, he thinks. You don't appreciate his assumptions and scoff at him.

"Oh, fuck off with that. I've never killed someone by accident."

You budge up to sit closer to him and kiss his cheek, switching up your tone to be manipulatively soft. "I can be gentle..."

He instinctively puts a hand against the back of your neck and leans into you, but still gives you a snarky response.

"When it's convenient for you, maybe."

He pulls you into a kiss. It tastes salty. He keeps speaking without taking his lips off yours.

"Mm, answer's still no, sweetie."

You pull back and hold his mouth open by his chin, taking a piece of popcorn and flicking it in. His nose scrunches and he grunts disapprovingly at you, but eats it anyway and lets you hold his face.

"But you're still gonna let me, sweetie." You coo back at him mockingly. "Plus, it'll be good for the ol' angel-material résumé!"

"That's not what that is. It's just to track your-"

"C'mon!" You interrupt energetically. "It'll be fun! I'm sick of being stuck in this house, Ads. Lemme do something 'good' that I'm actually good at for once!"

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