It doesn't change anything

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Upon reflection, you realise you've overreacted slightly. That's nothing new, but something you're newly trying to avoid. It can take you a while to look outside of your own viewpoint. On top of feeling like a bit of a fool, Adam not kicking down your door and demanding attention is driving you nuts. When you fall out, he usually yields first. Not this time. You don't think you said anything particularly bad, but maybe the situation in which you did so was the issue, and not the words themselves.

You put down the cat toy, which Adam gave you after the fifth "no, more like this" correction you made to his summoning of it, kiss Ore on the top of the head, and stand up with a lengthy sigh. You don't have a plan. You'll just wing it. When your hand hits the door handle, you freeze and get an idea. You scribble an 'I'm sorry' with a smiley face onto a small peace of paper, and stick it to the end of the cat toy with a sticker.

You open your door and tip toe over to the back of the couch, where you crouch down and hide. Adam's scrolling on his phone trying not to have any thoughts at all. You extend your arm above your head and dangle the cat toy in front of his face. The bell makes a jingling noise and the feather brushes his nose. At first, he looks annoyed as hell, but after reading your handwritten note, he calms a tiny, tiny bit.

That being said, he doesn't speak and rips the toy out of your hand and tosses it across the room. Evidently, he's still pissed. Rightly so, since you're a hypocrite and a drama queen, but you're of the opinion that if you're not upset anymore, then he shouldn't be either. You sit up onto your knees and rest your chin on the back of the couch. He stares at you angrily, and you smile at him sheepishly.

"Hi..." You take a breath, hoping to sound less timid the next time you speak. "Sorry I yelled at you..."

You don't do anything when he puts his whole hand over your face, and topple over backwards like an idiot when he, of course, in hindsight, shoves you. You make a small "oomph" noise as you splat against the floor, and chuckle out of habit.

"So..." You rub the back of your neck as you prop yourself back up. "Not ready to forgive me yet, eh?"

"You're always biting my head off about somethin', Doll. I'm sick of it. Sick of you." He responds to you coldly, not caring to look your way as he does.

You're very tempted to get defensive and start another shouting match, but you stop yourself. You walk to sit on the floor in front of him, since he's taking up the whole of the couch by laying across it, and rest your head on the seat beside his arm.

"Tell me how t'fix it..?" You ask cautiously.

"There ain't no fixin' how much you suck."

He doesn't seem humoured by you at all. Instead of hurting his face or his pride, you hurt his heart, and now all he can think about is how much he hates you. He can't even bring himself to try to get some extra details from you for his report because he's feeling too on edge, which is another thing he hates you for. You're too difficult to work with. In every way.

"Adam, c'mon... I'm actually sorry..." You gently put a hand on him.

He abruptly grabs ahold of it and squeezes it tightly enough to hurt. You bite your tongue, but your eyes twitch and squint from the pain.

"Don't touch me, demon." He glares daggers at you.

"Gh- ngh-" You hiss as you fail to free your hand that's steadily loosing blood flow, and eventually toss your head back defeatedly with an agitated groan. "Alright! Alright, point taken... I'll leave ya be, sourpuss."

He rolls his eyes at you in a harsh way, as if to tell you you're an irritating wimp, and releases his grip on your poor wrist. You rub it soothingly, pink marks pressed in by his fingers lingering on your skin for a moment, and get to your feet with a salty look on your face. You don't like that he's not even considering forgiveness, even though you are asking for it, which he knows you're not a fan of doing, and acts like he not only hates you, but doesn't want to even tolerate you. It stings.

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