Knowledge is power

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Adam, who'd been up since three in the morning in order to attend meetings about you, wakes up from his accidental nap because you are trying to stack and balance pieces of cereal on his head. He watches you with blurry, almost entirely shut eyes. Your tongue is sticking out the side of your mouth because you're concentrating and you've got this determined, self absorbed look on your face he's noticed you wear often. He'd laugh if he weren't waiting for you to fail.

You are very close to getting a twelfth on the pillar you've created. A new record. It wobbles precariously, but it stays standing. This is the best you've felt since arriving in heaven. You sprout a wide, proud smile to match the euphoria. Unfortunately, a couple seconds later it all comes tumbling down because Adam has woken up and erupted into laughter.

"Your face!" His cackles bounce off the walls.

You stare at him with an unimpressed face, waiting until his laughing has stopped making your ears bleed before speaking. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He wipes a fake tear from his eye and continues to giggle. "You're such a fuckin' dunce!"


"You were seriously proud of that, weren't you? That's so unbelievably pathetic!" He's still laughing and doesn't seem like he's listening to you.

"I was-"

"What are ya? Five years old? What're you doin' building blocks still?"

"I was bored because you freakin' trapped me here while you decided to take a damn nap, Ad!" You make your voice louder than his aggravating tittering and try and fail to stand up to prove your point.

"Ohh, right." The fact that he apparently genuinely forgot he put magic on you makes your blood boil. "Well, did you do the-?"

"Yes." You answer bluntly before he finishes asking, tapping the paper sat directly in front of him that now has a few bits of cereal scattered on and around it.

"Sure you did." He rolls his eyes, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he assumes you've wasted his time for the tenth time by writing/drawing something stupid instead of doing the actual task. He scoops up the page and reads it, appearing more pleasantly surprised the further along he gets. The second read through has him looking incredulously at it. The third and he's looking between you and it condemningly. Despite his judgemental glances, he doesn't say anything to go along with them.

"Satisfied?" You ask, slightly amused.

"Repulsed." He answers, wholeheartedly unamused.

"Great!" You chirp blithely. "So I'm free to go, then-?"


"What?! But I-"

"Maybe," He interrupts you again and repeats himself in a slower, more patronising manner. "If you answer a couple questions."

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding m-"

"I'm not."

"Stop interrupting me!" You insist in a pitch a little too high.

"So-rry." He's not.

"Fuck you."

"You too. Now, are you going to answer my questions or should I get back to my nap?"

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