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He's seriously struggling to deny his feelings for you. It sends shivers down his spine when you laugh at something he said. He can't shower without needing to force the image of you there beside him away. He waits impatiently for a fun remark from you when it's silent for more than a minute. The desire to touch you is painful to ignore. It's been increasingly tempting to leave your bed permanently broken so that you continue asking to borrow his.

He couldn't tell you no a second time. He's currently stroking your hair delicately enough not to wake you and creepily observing your relaxed, untroubled expression. No angel ought like you as much as he does, but if anyone should be allowed to break the status quo, it should be him. He's done more than his fair share of hating and slaughtering demons, and was put in charge of safeguarding heaven from one because of it, so perhaps balancing it out with a positive opinion of you isn't so bad.

There's a couple things he needs to do, or, more accurately, needs to get you to do, before tomorrow night, but waking you when you're so at ease feels criminal. Especially when you're contently using him as a pillow. A couple hours off schedule isn't the end of the world, he thinks. If anything, making you comfortable is part of the job. You're surely not going to open up to someone you're uncomfortable around, which is the perfect excuse for him to keep cuddling you.

Your feelings towards Adam are complicated. Choosing to be more agreeable and affectionate arose from necessity and personal gain. However, now it's more of a habit. You continue to be quite isolated in heaven, since nothing has been done to shift popular opinion of you, but Adam is a permanent fixture in your day-to-day. It makes logical sense to use him as both a punching bag and a teddy bear depending on how things are going, but you illogically crave the teddy side of things more often than not.

You think he's funny, easy to talk to, and think he's more kind hearted than he'd ever act on or admit to. You've caught him looking at you like he's trying to undress you with his eyes, but you've also caught him looking at you like you're someone he loves and admires. You enjoy seeing both. You've also looked at him in those ways, but have done a better job than him at keeping that a secret. Being secretive makes you feel safe in most cases, but you've started to ask yourself why you still bother.

After yesterday, you're cautiously optimistic about whether or not he's on your side. You have a tendency to be paranoid, so you often wonder if he's pulling the wool over your eyes. But, recently, you're doubting yourself. Perhaps he does care, and you just refuse to believe him. You probably care for him, but put too much effort into culling it. He's done some awful things, but so have you. Maybe you're more alike than you know. Maybe you like him more than you know, too.

You've been awake for the past twenty minutes, being calmed by the feeling of his chest rising and falling beneath you and how he strokes your hair like you're made out of thin ice. You want it to stay like this for the rest of the day. For the rest of the week, even. Unfortunately, your restless brain won't allow you to stay sleepy and still for much longer, so, you act like you've just woken up. You tilt your chin upwards and lazily smile at him with shut eyes, resulting in him jerking his hand away as if you were on fire.

"Hi..." You whisper, your voice being a tad squeaky and strained due to it not being used for hours.

"Heya..." His attempt to sound like he's not been awake for long is much worse than yours, and he lightly scratches the top of your head as if he hadn't already been touching you beforehand.

You wrap an arm around him and drowsily pull him nearer by the back of his shoulder. He would've needed much less convincing than that, but certainly isn't complaining about the obvious suggestion. He turns onto his side and manages to tie you up in both of his arms, placing the bridge of his nose against your forehead and snuggling into you. You sigh happily and slowly draw your hand up and down his lower back, taking your sweet time to say anything else.

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