Miss you

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Adam has had a day so strenuous and tedious that he feels like his brain's melted into mush. It turns out you were right and he had been the one reacting disproportionately. The higher ups are not happy with your progress. At all. That's somewhat his fault, but mostly yours. About a third of the council is still dead set on kicking you back down to where you belong.

He doesn't blame them. A part of him still believes you're little more than a time-wasting experiment that's tainting their harmonious resting place. Recently, however, he's learnt to think of "ex-demon" and "Dolly" as two different, separate people. Eternally damning the demon sounds great, but letting that happen to you is too gut wrenching to even picture.

It was decided that, if you continue on this path, that any gained knowledge and memories from heaven would be wiped, and you'd be back within the bounds of hell by the end of the month. He smiled and nodded, but in his mind he started raging out and flipping tables. Everything you've built together would disappear and die in your mind, and he'd be the only one left who remembers the 'us' you've become. And you only have three weeks to stop it from happening. It's bad. Really, really, really fucking bad.

He was instructed to keep the news a secret, so that it doesn't impact the integrity of your possible 'good' behaviour or cause a negative reaction. He doesn't look forward to evading your questions, so doesn't want to trigger that by waking you. When he gets home, he quietly walks himself to his room.

You missed him big time. As in, sat around bouncing your leg rehearsing your 'hello' levels of missing him. You walked a few miles within the apartment as you waited, and waited, and texted a bunch of times, and waited for him to show back up. You'd tired yourself out by six, and accidentally fell asleep. You were startled awake from some nightmare, but immediately felt better once you caught a dim glimpse of his coat and shoes scattered around the front door.

You jump up and dash over to his room like a jackrabbit. His door is open for a change, so you waltz right in as if you had an invitation and clamber onto his bed. You dot a few kisses on his forehead and rub his chest with a feathery, but notable amount of pressure. He makes a funny, little snort noise when his snoring is cut off abruptly, and his eyes slowly flutter open. He looks like he doesn't know his left from right at first, which makes you snicker under your breath.

When he finally remembers who, what and where he is, and blinks sleepily at you, you toss yourself on top of him and curl your arms around him in whichever way you can. You nip his top lip more than once, then pull at it with your fangs. That only slightly makes him stir, so you bite a little more intently.

"Easy, devil..." He mumbles with a lacklustre, patronising tone, taking a peek at you through one eye.

You raise yourself up onto your elbow to bite his cheek instead. Nothing harsh, but enough to sting and hinder his relaxation. You mean it to be gentler than it is, truthfully, but your pointy, sharp teeth, leftover from your mostly-dead demon form, make giving painless bites basically impossible. You can't have a proper talk with him while he's like this, so will continue to pester him until he's more lucid. He grumbles at you louder with each bite, and eventually grabs you by the throat and holds you back.

"Do you hate me?" He's sounds grumpy and irritable.

"Of course." You nod like it was an obvious, dumb question, rest your chin between his thumb and forefinger, and smirk impishly. "Are you awake now?"

"No." He shuts his eyes.

"I missed you... I miss you still..." You purr in a saccharine manner. "Pay attention to me..."

"I know." He mocks you unenthusiastically. "But you ain't gettin' shit 'til the sun rises. Go to sleep."

That's no good. Your curiosity is killing you, and if you have to wait another second you just might burst. You take ahold of his hands and lean backwards, pulling them with you as hard as you can in order to force him to sit up.

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