I had my reasons!

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The bad news is you've technically stuck yourself in a cage again. The good news is there's only bars on the door and windows, and not any completely enclosing you. The worst news is Adam's refusing to talk to you. Which is fair. You're pretty sure you broke a lot of the bones in his face, based on the bruises on your hands. He started it, though. You have the marks on your back to prove it.

Most of the ass-kissing should be aimed at you, in your opinion, but you know you've also got some sucking up to do. A tiny amount, at least. If he were home, you'd whip out the puppy-dog eyes and ask for a cuddle and say you 'don't wanna fight anymwore', but unfortunately he's not. He spent a couple of hours ignoring you from the opposite side of the apartment, likely to heal up first, then went out. Probably to hang out with some better, saner friends than you.

Are you even friends? You don't know. You don't think you'd describe each other as friends. Friends don't typically kiss each other then get into bloody scraps. You're friendly sometimes. Loving rarely. Combative often. You're pretty mad at him still. Would you rather the relationship be more typical? No. Maybe a little. No, actually, it's good the way it is. Well, right now it's really bad, but it's good sometimes. And the best, rarely.

Night has fallen, and you're starving to death. Figuratively, of course. Neither angels or demons need to eat. Although, both get hungry. You sigh and tut at the ceiling. You don't even have Ore to talk to because Adam's turned it into a nanny cam. It still looks like a kitten, but it's sitting as still as a statue, won't respond to you at all, and its yellow eyes track your every movement. For the record, you did try and put a blanket over it, but it just clambered out and continued its creepy surveillance of you.

There are no bars in heaven. There is booze, however, and there are no rules against having a 'small collection' of wines at your home. Adam has a few friends with a few collections, and decided it was prime time to pay them a visit. He's having a little too much fun, and renaming your contact as 'bitchassdemonbitchface' while muting your messages has had a butterfly effect. One of his mates has nicked his phone and thought calling you would be much more fun than texting one of his many exes 'I miss u'.

Adam's face lighting up your screen gives you mixed feelings. You answer, of course, but someone else's face turns up on the other end of the line. He's bleach-blonde with a bubbly grin and stained lips. You're slightly disappointed, but amused by this odd turn of events. You lean your head in your hand and smirk back at the stranger.

"Hey! This tha' devil-chick Ad-man's been ignorin' us for?" He sounds drunk, and glad to be.

"Mhm." You nod and chuckle without opening your mouth. Right now you're just running down the clock until Adam notices his phone's missing.

"How 'bout ya come down 'ere n'hava drink with us, sinna." He says it like it's an honour and a privilege, like you should swoon and blush, and like there's no point in phrasing it like a question because it's too good to turn down.

To this sleazeball's credit, it is indeed a tempting offer. For different reasons, obviously, but still. You giggle into your hand and pretend like you're flattered.

"Oh, I... I'd love to, but, I dunno... Should I..? It's pretty late..." You twirl a strand of your hair and use a girly, shy tone of voice, feeling more emboldened now you know Adam's not keeping as close of an eye on you as he'd like you to believe.

He looks surprised. He clearly wasn't expecting to hear such a bashful, unsure reply from you. You can tell he's pleased by it, and you sure are pleased that he took the bait.

"Hund-o percent-o!" He chirps.

You speak before he can blabber any more.

"Really..? W-Well.. okay, then!" You act like it was him and him alone that made your mind up. "It'll take me a while to get there, though... I'm really bad with directions..."

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