Gimme appreciation

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"This is actually the corniest shit I've ever seen." He laughs and sneers as he looks down at the heart-shaped breakfast you've made.

"Hey! C'mon, it's so cute! I thought you'd be stoked." You contend as you watch him grab a pancake and bite into it like it's an apple.

"Mn, and I thought you'd be a better cook." He mumbles through chewing.

"Oh, lemme guess, because of my sex?"

"What..? No, it's got nothin' to do with your sex life, succubus. It's 'cause you're a gal."

"That's- oh my god." You face palm. You aren't surprised he did so badly at the puzzles when he can't even misogyny correctly, and there's not a chance you're not about to waste your time explaining the difference between sex and gender to him. "You're a moron."

"A'least I can cook well."

He's actually lying. They're really good, and even if they weren't he'd still be enjoying the act of service. He simply doesn't want to admit he's grateful, so is saying the easiest insults he can think of to mask it. He wants you to know he, the angel, is better than you at everything, including cooking. He knows he'll eat the whole, admittedly cute display, but he doesn't want you to know that too.

He sits down to load strawberries and chocolate syrup onto the cakes. You withhold a bitchy remark, take a seat on the opposite side of the table and feed yourself the chocolate chips, resting your head in your palm. He stares back at you for a few minutes as you sit both in silence, sharing a breakfast, but eventually starts narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.

"...Why'd you do this?" He asks.

"So that you could tell me I can't cook, of course. Who doesn't love a good insult in the morning?" You answer sardonically.

"Mhm. And..?"

You roll your eyes at him when he presses you for a better, more honest answer.

"And... Consider it an early thanks for fixing my bed later."

"Who says I'm fixin' it?" He grins mischievously and raises a brow. "You know your actions have consequences, don'tcha?"

You scoff. "I do, obviously. But-!"

"'But' nothing, Dollface!" He interrupts, intending on taunting and condescending you. "Clearly daddy forgot t'teach ya not to jump on the furniture, so now you gotta learn it late."

"He was a little too busy being dead for that." You suppress a grin.

You love dropping that bomb and seeing the look on peoples faces, and a look you get. He stops grinning immediately, which cracks you up. He looks half horrified and half angered by your sudden giggling, and is at a loss for words for at least a minute. He knows you know you got him good with that, so says something worse to get back at you.

"Daddy issues, huh? Why am I not surprised?"

"I don't have issues with it." You shrug. "So, y'gonna fix my bed now that you've got all that off your chest?"

"Mm, no." He says mid-chew. "Don't think so."

"Why not? I know you can fix it easy!"

"Duh. I can do anything." Despite the obvious exaggeration, his arrogance seems genuine. "But I don't wanna do this."

"Why?!" You're frustrated. You didn't anticipate this being a problem, but in hindsight you don't know how you missed it.

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