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Did you accidentally fall out of the sky? You must've done, because what in the ever-loving fucking hell are you looking at. They look so cute together, sat side by side, watching a video on her phone and mimicking each other's nods like they're each other's soulmates. It makes you wanna rip out your eyes and feed them to one of those robo-sharks the Vees manufacture. Perhaps you'll go down there and do just that. Sounds like a good time comparatively.

You grind your teeth down into slabs as you force a calm smile and widen the gap in the door.

"Am I interrupting something?" You're only half capable of making yourself sound level headed.

"Hey, n-" Adam tries to answer, but his suck-up, loser of a lieutenant butts in like the intruder that she is.

"Yes, you are." She walks towards you, hands behind her back and her mask rested on the top of her head like a pair of sunglasses. "Had enough already?"

You grin wider as your temper rises, not daring to give Adam another glance in case it makes you lose the rest of your cool and kill him. Meanwhile, he doesn't take his eyes off of you. He doesn't know why, he rarely does, but he knows you're in a sour mood. Usually when you're like this, anything he says makes it worse. Which he very much doesn't want, especially with his best soldier present. He folds his arms and subtly tuts when you both talk over him.

"Nah. A little bored, though." You tilt your head at her, enjoying the fact you're an inch taller. "Was hopin' we could chat, actually."

You offer her your hand like you want to take her on a walk along the coast during a warm summer's night. She scowls in a distinctively revolted manner and shoulder-barges you as she walks past. Before you follow her, you shoot Adam a cold 'I'll deal with you later, asshole' look and slam the door hard. He gets the message loud and clear. Ugh.

"Make it quick, demon."

"Doll." You correct her, no longer using the passive-aggressive amicability. "Your so-called army is pathetic. And that's really no surprise when you'd rather be up here, sucking off the boss, than participating in-"

She suddenly throws you against a wall by your neck and gives you a stare sharp enough to draw blood.

"Watch your disgusting. Fucking. Mouth." Despite not raising her voice, she sounds dangerous. "Don't think being Adam's bitch will save you. I'd take no issue with freeing him from that responsibility."

You raise your brows at her and chuckle. Feisty. There's no reaction you would've enjoyed more.

"Likewise." You steal the formality she ditched and turn it on her, pretending like you don't even feel her hand around your throat. "Now you've gotten that off your chest, would ya mind letting me finish what I was tryin' to say?"

She drops her grip, wiping her palm on her dress like she dunked it in a bucket of slime. How original. You roll your eyes and massage your neck as you set the pace.

"Get on with it."

You reach into your pocket and hold out your phone. "Gimme your number."

"Why?" She deadpans.

"As much as I adore our dear old Adam, he's also the biggest idiot I've ever met." You note, being pleasantly surprised to see her suppressing a knowing smile. You feel good about the fact she agrees but doesn't have the guts to say it to his face like you do.

"And I'd like to be here next time, whether he remembers to show up or not. Make sense?"

"Mh." She agrees grumpily. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, it was a stellar day for the exterminators thanks to the fresh body to fight against. She takes your phone off you, not gently, and punches in her info.

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