Milk and honey

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You have no idea what time it is. You feel stuck. Limply frozen in place. Your phone's been buzzing nonstop, which you expected, but you haven't even glanced at it. You need to do something drastic to rip the bandaid off, but you just can't be bothered for it. It's like your feelings are giving you a hangover because of how you've betrayed them. But what do they know? You're thinking long term here. You're more rational than they are.

You wince at the sound of a portal opening and closing somewhere out of your view. It's anyone's guess how he'll act today, but you assume you'll be receiving an earful at least. The bed shifts beneath you as a weight is added to it. You sigh and shut your eyes, and hear a sigh in response. He apprehensively shifts his hand so he can graze his fingers against your back. You ignore it. He saw that coming, but he can't say it doesn't still disappoint him.

He's spent all night and all morning trying to puzzle out what's gotten into you. He thinks he has an idea, but there's a good chance he's completely missed the mark. Distancing yourself from him is stupid and dumb no matter the reason, in his opinion, but he still wants to make you see that despite his confusion and frustrations.

"I know you're up..." He tells you quietly.

He stares at the back of your head like he's trying to turn it around through sheer force of will. You groan and turn your face further into the pillow, not answering him.

"Listen," He begins calmly. "I got somethin' t'tell you, but you've gotta let me finish before goin' off on me."

You roll onto your back and pass him a skeptical, impatient glance.

"You're right to wanna back off n'prep to leave."

You furrow your brows and frown, outwardly looking annoyed but inwardly feeling like your heart has stopped, and silently scold him for being so blunt.

"You've got 'til the end of the month. No significant progress n'you're out."

You have felt like you've never been bothered about how slim your odds are, but hearing it aloud in his voice rips your soul in two. You glare at him more harshly.

"Not just out, either. They'd wipe the whole thing from your memory. Probably surveil you afterwards, too, jus' in case. And that's assuming you survive the trip."

He's on thin fucking ice. He can see that on your face. You're furious he kept this from you. Beyond furious. He doesn't hold your gaze for long, but looks relatively unemotional and keeps his tone undeterred by what's being hidden.

"My point is... I'm your best bet, and, even if it all goes t'shit in the end, I'm the only one of us who's gonna remember it."

Finally, you sit up and face him. Your teeth have lengthened an inch and your horns have extended outwards, but you mirror his false uncaring demeanour when you speak to him.

"So you're a liar and a cunt. Great. What is this? Some sorta revenge for gettin' told to piss off?"

"No, Ditzo. I'm tellin' you you're wasting your time. Whatever benefits y'think you'll get by pullin' a stunt like this won't exist in'a couple weeks."

"So you agree that it's inevitable?"

"Ngh- no! You aren't listening." He rubs his face in his hands exasperatedly before continuing. "I'm tryin' to help you..."

"Some help you are." You tut. "Why should I even believe you?"

"D'you know how fast I could have ya thrown outta here?! Notice how I haven't? Doesn't that count for anythin'?"


"Y'know what?!" He raises his voice at you. "You're such a selfish, unfeelin' bitch. Whatever's best for you is what you'll do, isn't it? And it doesn't matter how it affects other people, because you think you're the only one who gives a shit about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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