Was it Worth it?

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Oh, Damon, if only you knew

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Oh, Damon, if only you knew.

Mystic Falls - Mikaelson Mansion


As the music changed, so did my partner. I had just finished dancing with Elijah, my beloved brother, when I found myself locking eyes with Damon. As I stood in the midst of the swirling dance floor, surrounded by the elegant movements of the other dancers, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness wash over me. It had been so long since I had seen him—Damon Salvatore. The last time we had crossed paths was in 1864, and now, here he was, standing before me. Surprise and sadness intertwined within me as I gazed into those familiar blue eyes, eyes that once held memories now lost to compulsion.

I smiled at him, offering my hand in a silent invitation to dance. His first question cut through the air like a knife, piercing through the facade of forgetfulness I had carefully crafted for him. "Have we met before?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Oh, how I wished I could tell him the truth, share with him the memories we once shared. But I knew I couldn't. 

"You don't remember me, do you?" I replied, my voice soft yet tinged with sadness. Damon furrowed his brow, his eyes searching for something in the depths of his memory.

"I'm sorry, should I?" he admitted, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. Despite the passage of time, he was just as charming as I remembered, his boyish charm still capable of melting my resolve.

But I couldn't let myself be swayed by nostalgia. I had compelled him to forget me for a reason—to protect him from the dangers that lurked in my world.

"Perhaps it's better that way," I told him, my voice barely above a whisper. Better for him, perhaps, but not for me. For me, it was a constant ache, a reminder of what could never be.

As we danced, our conversation flowed effortlessly, as if we were old friends catching up after years apart. Damon's lighthearted humor brought a smile to my lips, even as my heart ached with the weight of our shared history.

"So, what brings you to this enchanting ball?" he asked, curiosity coloring his tone. I replied with a hint of sadness, "Oh, you know, family obligations."

Damon chuckled, his laughter filling the space between us. "I can relate. Family gatherings have a way of bringing out both the best and the worst in people."

I nodded in agreement, the weight of my thoughts pressing down on me like a heavy shroud. "Tell me about it. Sometimes, I wonder if it's all worth it," I admitted, the words laden with the weight of centuries-old regrets. Was it worth it, I wondered, to erase me from his memories, to sacrifice our connection for the sake of my family's safety? Did blood truly run thicker than the bonds forged in the depths of shared experiences and whispered confidences?

His voice pierced through the fog of my thoughts, a gentle reminder of the turmoil brewing within my soul. "I know what you mean," he said, his words resonating with a haunting familiarity. "Sometimes, I envy those who can dance through life without a care in the world." As his words washed over me, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the simplicity of a life unencumbered by the weight of secrets and sacrifices. But even as I yearned for that carefree existence, I knew that the path I had chosen was one that I could never turn back from. For better or for worse, I was bound by duty and destiny, forever tethered to the legacy of my bloodline.

And as the music swirled around us, carrying us ever further from the shores of regret and what-if's, I knew that I had to steel myself against the tide of doubt that threatened to consume me. For in the end, the choices we make define us, shaping the course of our lives in ways that we can never truly anticipate. And though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, I would face it head-on, drawing strength from the echoes of our shared past and the promise of a future yet unwritten.

"But then again, there's a certain beauty in embracing the complexities of life, isn't there?" I replied, determination lacing my voice.

As the song came to an end, I realized I had forgotten to introduce myself. "I'm Isabella Mikaelson," I said, my voice barely above a whisper I asked  "And you are?"

"Damon Salvatore," he answered, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of recognition. 

Of course, I knew exactly who he was—how could I not? Damon Salvatore, the man who had once held my heart in his hands with a tenderness that I had never known before. But as the final notes of the song echoed in the air, I knew that dwelling on the past would only invite more pain and heartache.

With a fleeting smile, I pushed aside the memories that threatened to overwhelm me, focusing instead on the present moment and the dance that lay ahead. And as I took my next partner's hand, I left behind a trail of bittersweet memories in my wake, knowing that some secrets were meant to remain buried, even as they continued to whisper their secrets in the depths of my soul.


Word Count - 928

Love you all, hope you enjoyed reading "Lost in Forever: Damon's Eternal Love". 

Thank you guys for reading.


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