Damon loves Elena, doesn't he?

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Well, I can't let you two have all the fun.

(Weeks later after Esther's death)

Salvatore Mansion


As Isabella and I sat together, the weight of centuries seemed to hang heavy in the air, each passing moment filled with the echoes of our shared past and the uncertainties of our present. The mention of Damon's name cast a shadow over Isabella's features, her eyes betraying a deep sadness that spoke volumes of the regrets she carried within her soul.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you," I remarked, breaking the somber silence between us.

"Yes, it has," Isabella replied softly, her voice tinged with the ache of longing. "Almost 150 years since 1864, and yet, I still couldn't stop thinking about him... about Damon."

Her words hung like a heavy fog, enveloping us in a shroud of melancholy as we grappled with the ghosts of our past. The memory of compelling Damon to forget her weighed heavily on Isabella's heart, a decision she now regretted with every fiber of her being. 

She continues "Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be.

Her words struck a chord within me, stirring up memories of our tumultuous past and the choices we had made that had led us to this moment. Isabella's regret over compelling Damon to forget her weighed heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over her once vibrant spirit."I truly am regretting my decisions, but I did what was needed" Isabella admitted, her voice heavy with sorrow. 

"Every time I face him, I'm taken back to that moment, and I can't help but wish things had been different." Isabella admitted, her voice trembling with emotion as she stared off into the distance, lost in the depths of her own remorse.

As we delved deeper into conversation, exploring the complexities of Damon's heart and his and my tangled history with Elena and Katherine, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Isabella. The mention of Damon's current love, Elena, only served to deepen the sorrow etched into Isabella's features, a bitter reminder of the love she had lost.

"Damon loves Elena, doesn't he?" Isabella asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "And back then, he loved Katherine?"

I nodded, knowing all too well the complexities of Damon's heart. "A person can only truly love once, and he loved you," I reassured her, recalling the countless times I had heard Damon speak of her with such reverence and longing. "I mean, he talked about you for hours."

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