A Motel??

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Whatever it take

Salvatore Mansion

As Stefan and I sat on the sofa, engaged in idle chatter, the atmosphere suddenly shifted when Stefan's phone rang. It was Damon calling, his voice breaking through the quiet with a sense of urgency.

Stefan answered the call, activating the speakerphone as he poured me a glass of bourbon, his movements betraying a hint of unease. "There you are. Any sign of evil Alaric?" Damon's voice echoed through the room, laced with a tinge of concern.

"Nope. Only dead Alaric," Stefan replied, his tone tinged with resignation as he recounted the events of the day. "Don't worry, he was wearing his ring. Klaus was here. Let's just say he's not very patient."

"Kol must have told him we were in Denver," Damon surmised, his mind already racing to piece together the puzzle of their predicament. "How long has Ric been out?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

"A few hours," Isabella interjected, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife, her presence a stark reminder of the complexities of their situation.

"What the hell are you doing there?" Damon's voice thundered through the speaker, every syllable dripping with a potent mix of confusion and concern as he sought clarity from his brother, his tone reverberating with the weight of their dire circumstances.

"Well, she's keeping me company, and we are friends, so..." Stefan's response was measured, each word weighed down by the gravity of their circumstances, his attempt to downplay the situation only serving to highlight the underlying tension that simmered beneath the surface.

"I'm hoping when Alaric wakes up, it won't be him. It'll be the other him," Stefan revealed, his voice laced with a sense of determination as he grappled with the uncertainty of their circumstances, his words resonating with a profound sense of urgency in the face of impending danger.

"And if not?" Damon pressed, his voice betraying a hint of apprehension as he contemplated the potential consequences of their actions, the weight of their choices hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud over their heads.

"Yeah, I know. Whatever it takes," Stefan replied, his words heavy with the weight of their shared burden, each syllable echoing with the solemnity of their resolve to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

"So, were you able to contact Rose?" Stefan inquired, his voice tinged with desperation as he sought a glimmer of hope in their increasingly dire situation, his gaze fixed on Damon with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

"Yeah, no answers yet. So, we're just stuck in this motel until she gets back to us," Damon replied, his words tinged with frustration as he grappled with the uncertainty of their situation, his frustration palpable in the tense silence that followed.

"A motel?" Isabella questioned, her disdain evident as she took a sip of her bourbon, her expression reflecting her distaste for their current accommodations, her eyes flashing with a mixture of annoyance and resignation at the thought of their temporary confinement.

"Call you when I know more, Stefan," Damon concluded with a final assurance to his brother, his voice tinged with a note of grim determination as he ended the call, leaving a heavy silence in his wake, the weight of their predicament hanging over them like a shroud of uncertainty.

"A motel, eww," Isabella muttered, her distaste palpable as she addressed Stefan, her words echoing the sentiments of the room. Her expression betrayed a mixture of disdain and discomfort, as if the very thought of their current accommodations offended her sensibilities.

"Okay, anyways, you know I won't hurt you or Damon without reason, right?" Isabella's voice softened to a whisper, her apology sincere as she addressed Stefan. "So, I'm sorry for hurting you and your brother earlier today... Please, convey it to Damon as well. Also, tell him I'll forgive him for whatever he's done so far, but... please, don't put me in a position where I have to hurt him again. I truly don't enjoy it," she pleaded, her words heavy with the burden of regret and remorse, echoing in the tense silence of the room.


Word Count - 701

lots of love

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