Is she still hot?

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For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop at a motel

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For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop at a motel.

Salvatore Mansion


As I conversed with Stefan, a subtle tension hung in the air, each word carrying the weight of our uncertain future like a heavy cloak. "Did you hear from Klaus?" I inquired, my voice betraying a hint of apprehension as I broached the topic that loomed over us like a dark cloud.

"Not yet. I'm sure I will soon, though. He is expecting me to deliver two stakes, but I only have one," Stefan responded, his tone reflecting a mixture of determination and resignation. Despite the challenge ahead, there was an underlying resolve in his voice, a determination to fulfill his obligations no matter the cost.

"Well, that's gonna be disappointing for him," I remarked dryly, a sardonic smile dancing upon my lips as I contemplated Klaus's inevitable frustration.

"I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time," Stefan declared with a confidence that bordered on audacity, his words carrying a subtle hint of defiance in the face of adversity. It was a testament to his unwavering resolve, a refusal to be deterred by the obstacles that lay in his path.

"I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it," I admitted, my tone tinged with a begrudging respect for his unwavering determination, even as doubt gnawed at the edges of my mind like a persistent shadow.

"You don't think I can do what it takes?" Stefan challenged, his gaze meeting mine with a fierce intensity that belied his words, daring me to doubt his capabilities.

"Well, you're good stafan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl, but you lose the edge. Speaking of.." I trailed off as Elena entered the room, her presence a stark reminder of the complexities of our shared existence and the fragile balance we struggled to maintain.

"Have you ever flown first class?" I directed my question at Elena, seeking a momentary distraction from the weight of our impending confrontation with Klaus.

"Who did you have to compel for that?" Elena retorted, her words laced with a mixture of skepticism and amusement, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

I scoffed at her assumption. "Please. I use miles," I replied, a hint of pride seeping into my voice as I revealed a glimpse of the resourcefulness that had become second nature to me. It was a small victory, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, I could still navigate the world on my own terms.

As I watched Elena, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me, my thoughts swirling in a tempest of conflicting desires and regrets. In that moment, amidst the uncertainty and tension that enveloped us, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for us all. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but one thing was certain: we were in this together, bound by the ties that connected us, for better or for worse.

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