A Dead Mikaelson ?

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but you destroyed our family

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but you destroyed our family.

Mikaelson Mansion


"Well, well, well, there's our girl," Kol's voice cut through the room as Rebekah approached. His smirk was as infuriating as ever. "Out all night. What a scandal? "

"Out of my way, Kol" Rebekah snapped, her tone sharp with irritation.

"I trust you did better than that commoner. What was his name again, Matt?" I couldn't resist the urge to provoke my sibling, my words dripping with sarcasm.

Rebekah's threat was swift and sharp, her gaze slicing through the air like a blade. "If you both don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth."

Klaus, always amused by our bickering, chuckled from his place nearby. "Don't start, Nik," Rebekah warned him, her tone a warning.

"I didn't say anything," Klaus protested innocently, though the mischievous glint in his eyes betrayed him.

Kol, ever the restless spirit, declared his boredom with a longing glance at Klaus. "I'm bored," he said, his tone tinged with frustration.

Before our banter could escalate further, our mother's voice cut through the room like a cold wind. "Isabella," she beckoned, her tone carrying a weight of authority that brooked no argument.

I followed her to the next room, bracing myself for another lecture or criticism. But before she could even begin, I cut her off with a sharp retort. "Whatever motherly rubbish you're thinking, save it. Nothing you say matters to me.... anymore."

Esther's response was calm, her expression unreadable as she absorbed my words. "I see," she replied simply, her tone betraying no hint of emotion.

Refusing to back down, I challenged her with a defiant glare. "You could forget the plans of killing me or hating me," I asserted, my voice laced with bitterness.

"I was never after you," Esther clarified, her voice as cold and distant as the depths of the ocean.

But I refused to let her dismiss me so easily. "Nik was my family. Nik is my family. If you're after him, you're after me," I declared firmly, unwilling to let her forget the bond that tied us together, no matter how frayed it had become.

Esther's next words cut through the silence like a knife, her reminder of past betrayals a bitter pill to swallow. "He blinded you, Isabella. He killed me, he killed his mother, he killed your mother.......And I forgave him."

The memories flooded back with painful clarity, each word a searing reminder of the pain we had endured. "I know what he did. He will pay for it. But Nik wasn't born a killer. None of us were. You did this to us when you turned us into vampires..." My voice trailed off, unable to contain the anger and resentment that bubbled within me.

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