Farewell to Alaric

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(A/N - Klaus came to take Rebekah's body.)

This stuff'll kill you

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This stuff'll kill you

The somber scene unfolded as friends and loved ones gathered to bid farewell to Alaric. With heavy hearts, they shared their final moments with him, expressing their gratitude for his friendship and the sacrifices he had made.

As Alaric prepared to enter the building, his resolve was evident, his determination to carry out his fateful decision unwavering. Despite the sorrow that weighed heavily upon them, his friends respected his choice, knowing that it was made with a heavy heart and a sense of duty.

With a heavy heart, Alaric said his goodbyes, his voice filled with emotion as he thanked each person for their unwavering support and love. And as he disappeared inside, locking himself away to meet his fate, his friends were left to grapple with the harsh reality of his sacrifice, mourning the loss of a dear friend and ally.



I approached Damon slowly, the weight of impending loss heavy in the air as I drew near. He sat on a rock, a solitary figure in the dim light, his eyes clouded with sorrow. In my hands, I held a bottle of bourbon, a feeble offering in the face of such profound grief.

"Meredith gave him a sedative," I began, my voice soft yet tinged with the weight of impending loss as I met Damon's gaze. "He will fall asleep first. He'll go comfortably," I reassured him, though the words felt hollow against the backdrop of Alaric's impending fate.

"Well...I offered to snap his neck to put him out of his misery, but..he didnt take me up on it."Damon's response was laced with a bitter edge, his sadness palpable as he spoke of the offer he had made to end Alaric's suffering swiftly. "You seem surprised," he remarked, his words heavy with resignation.

"Well, it was nice of you to give him the option," I offered, a feeble attempt at comfort in the face of such profound sorrow.

Damon's response was tinged with bitterness, his choices fraught with controversy in the wake of Alaric's impending demise. "Apparently, my choices have been a little controversial lately," he muttered, his voice tinged with self-awareness.

I urged Damon to stay with Alaric, to offer him comfort in his final moments, but he remained resolute in his decision to grant his friend's wishes. "That's the way he wants it," he replied, his voice heavy with resignation.

But I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, the uncertainty of whether Damon's actions truly aligned with Alaric's wishes. "Is that really what he wants?" I questioned, my voice tinged with doubt.

Damon's silent nod was all the confirmation I needed, and with a heavy heart, I urged him to go to his friend's side. "So, get your ass up and go," I insisted, my words a gentle yet firm push towards acceptance and closure in the face of impending loss.



In the quiet stillness of our final moments together, Alaric's voice cut through the heavy silence, tinged with a hint of bitter humor. "Is this the part where you give me dreams?" he questioned, his tone laced with wry amusement. "Rainbows and rolling green hills?"

"I was drunk when I told you that," I admitted with a soft chuckle, a flicker of warmth threading through the somber atmosphere. Alaric's laughter echoed through the air, a fleeting moment of levity in the face of impending tragedy. "Yeah, and I told you I'd use it against you," he countered with a playful grin.

"Damn you," I teased, though the weight of guilt hung heavy in my heart. "Sorry I killed you... twice," I offered, my words heavy with remorse and regret.

"So I have to actually die to get a real apology out of you," Alaric quipped, his tone light yet tinged with the weight of our shared history.

I extended a bottle towards him in a silent offering, a feeble attempt to offer comfort in the face of our inevitable parting. "Drink?" I offered, though my voice trembled with unspoken emotion.

"Actually, I've been thinking about cutting back," Alaric replied, his gaze distant as he wrestled with his own inner demons.

"Yeah," I murmured, taking a sip from the bottle. "This stuff'll kill you," I remarked sarcastically, a bitter smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

A solitary tear glistened in Alaric's eyes as he reached for the bottle, his movements slow and deliberate. With a heavy heart, he took a swig, the bitter taste of alcohol a bitter reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of death.

Some time later

As I emerged from Alaric's side, the weight of impending loss heavy on my heart, I was startled to find Bonnie standing nearby, her presence unexpected in the dimly lit room. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, my voice tinged with surprise and concern. "Hey, Bonnie," I greeted her, attempting to lighten the mood with a casual tone. "Are you sleepwalking or something?" I joked, though a flicker of unease danced at the edge of my consciousness.

But as Bonnie turned towards me, her expression unreadable, a sense of foreboding washed over me like a wave crashing against the shore. Before I could utter another word, she began to chant, her voice carrying a weight of ancient power that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality.

"Bonnie?" I called out, my voice tinged with a note of desperation as a sudden surge of agony seared through my skull. With a sharp, piercing pain lancing through my head, darkness enveloped my vision, swallowing me whole as I succumbed to unconsciousness.


Word Count - 948


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