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But I haven't lived at all,

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But I haven't lived at all,

Mikealson Mansion

Rebekah returned home after a long, arduous day at school, her mind weighed down by the usual teenage worries and dramas that plagued her thoughts. Yet, as she crossed the threshold of her family's mansion, her heart lurched at the sight of Esther standing before her, a specter from her past haunting the present.

"Mother," Rebekah breathed, her voice trembling with a mixture of awe and disbelief as she took a tentative step closer, her eyes wide with a tumult of emotions.

In a desperate bid to grasp onto the semblance of normalcy, Rebekah reached out to touch Esther, only to watch in horror as her hand passed through her mother's ethereal form, leaving her fingers grasping at empty air.

"What?" Rebekah gasped, her voice tinged with disbelief and confusion as she staggered backward, the reality of the situation sinking in like a lead weight upon her shoulders.

"Because I'm a ghost," Esther's voice resonated through the room, its otherworldly timbre sending chills racing down Rebekah's spine, her words carrying the weight of centuries of regret and longing.

"Well, if you've come to spend your final moments before going to hell with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed," Rebekah's voice echoed through the room, each word dripping with bitterness and resentment as she confronted the specter of her mother.

"You should have spent less time plotting my death," she added, her tone laced with hurt and anger, the weight of years of betrayal and abandonment hanging heavy in the air.

But despite Rebekah's words, Esther's gaze softened as she drew closer, her eyes brimming with sorrow and regret, her voice filled with raw emotion.

"Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side?" Esther's voice trembled with the weight of centuries as she spoke. "I've been looking over you for a thousand years of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus. The nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you."

"And yet you still tried to kill me," Rebekah's voice quivered with a mixture of anguish and accusation, her tears flowing freely as she struggled to reconcile the conflicting emotions swirling inside her.

"Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. No one should live that long," Esther's reply was a whisper carried on the winds of regret, her voice heavy with the weight of centuries of sorrow and longing as she reached out to grasp Rebekah's trembling hand in her own.

"But I haven't lived at all," Rebekah's words were barely more than a breath, her voice choked with grief as tears streamed down her cheeks, her carefully constructed facade crumbling in the face of her mother's unexpected presence.

"I'm sorry, Rebekah. So, so sorry," Esther's voice quivered with remorse, each word heavy with the weight of a thousand regrets. With a solemn determination, she began to chant ancient incantations, her hands enveloping Rebekah's in a grip that felt both familiar and foreign.

As the words of power spilled from Esther's lips, a surge of energy coursed through Rebekah's veins, her body trembling with the force of the magic that now bound her. A kaleidoscope of emotions washed over her - fear, anger, and a haunting sense of resignation - as she realized the extent of her mother's control.

In that moment, Rebekah felt as though she were teetering on the edge of a precipice, the abyss yawning wide beneath her. She was no longer in command of her own destiny, but a mere puppet dancing to the tune of her mother's whims.

And as the last echoes of the incantation faded into the ether, Rebekah's world shifted irrevocably, her fate now intertwined with the very essence of magic itself. Esther took control of Rebekah's body.


Word Count - 651


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