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You aren't the Isabella I know

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You aren't the Isabella I know.


As I delved deeper into Damon's mind, the fragments of our shared past danced before me, a haunting reminder of the tumultuous past we once shared. But amidst the echoes of our memories, a chilling revelation emerged, casting a shadow over our nostalgia.

Hidden within the recesses of Damon's consciousness, I unearthed a trove of secrets, each one more ominous than the last. Among them, the presence of more white oak wood sent a shiver down my spine, its very existence a grim portent of impending danger.

I unraveled the threads of Damon's thoughts, piecing together a sinister plot that had remained dormant for centuries. The whispered existence of white oak stakes hinted at a calculated scheme—a plan to exterminate the Original vampires, to hunt them relentlessly until none remained.

Leaving Damon's mind behind, I turned my attention to the task at hand. Rebekah, ever vigilant, rid him of any lingering traces of vervain, ensuring he was defenseless against her scrutiny. With a bored sigh, she delved into his thoughts, manipulating them with practiced ease (the scene where she shows damon being helped by Elena to escape and all that mind messing things done by Rebekah has happened like that in TVD, but I am not gonna write that because I don't feel like writing it), while I waited nearby, ensuring our privacy before speaking my truth.

"You won't kill us," I declared with unwavering confidence, my words carrying the weight of certainty that only the truth could bestow.

Damon's brows furrowed in confusion, his features a mask of uncertainty as he searched my face for answers. "What makes you so sure of it?" he questioned, his tone laced with skepticism.

A knowing smile graced my lips as I met his gaze head-on. "You don't know, do you?" I teased, a hint of amusement coloring my words.

His confusion deepened as he waited for my explanation. "What?" he prompted, a note of impatience creeping into his voice.

"When you kill an Original," I began, my voice steady with conviction, "every human ever turned by their blood will die along with them. Their whole bloodline dies with them," I revealed, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air as the truth of our existence lay bare before us.


Stefan entered the room where Damon endured his torment, a sense of apprehension mingling with determination etched on his features. 

"Oh, this was much different in my head." Damon's wry comment broke the tension, his words tinged with sarcasm as he acknowledged the gravity of their situation.

"Klaus, I am here. Let's do this," Stefan's voice rang out, his resolve unwavering as he faced down the formidable trio of Klaus, Isabella, and Rebekah.

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