Chapter 1

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the cricket field, Shubman methodically packed his gear into his kit bag. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, but he felt disconnected from it all, lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly, Ishan burst onto the scene, his face alight with excitement. "Hey Veere, ma and papa have graced us with a surprise visit! They're at home right now. Won't you come and join us for dinner?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

Shubman paused, his hands stilling over the neatly folded jersey. He looked up, his expression unreadable, and then, with a gentle shake of his head, he declined. "No, thank you, Ishan. You should cherish these moments with your parents. Not everyone is blessed with such opportunities," he said softly, his voice tinged with a sadness that went deeper than the words he spoke.

Ishan's shoulders slumped, a sigh escaping his lips. "Come on, Veere, it will be fun. They've been asking about you," he persisted, trying to bridge the gap he felt widening between them.

Shubman offered a small, wistful smile. "Really, it's okay. Go enjoy your family time. I'll see you on the field tomorrow," he replied, his tone final. With that, he zipped up his kit bag and made his way to the security to sign out.

The walk to the parking lot was a solitary one. Shubman's footsteps echoed in the empty space as he approached his car, the fading light casting long shadows on the ground. He popped the trunk open, carefully placed his kit inside, and then slid into the driver's seat. The familiar hum of the engine starting was a small comfort in the quiet evening.

The drive home was a silent affair, the streets of the city passing by in a blur. Upon reaching his house, a sinking feeling settled in his stomach as he patted his pockets, only to realize that his keys were still in his locker back at the stadium. With a resigned breath, he rang the doorbell and waited.

After a moment, Keart opened the door. Shubman's lips parted, ready to greet his mother with a smile, but Keart's eyes avoided his, and she walked away without a word. The door closed behind Shubman with a soft click, and he was greeted by the sight of Lakwinder, his father, engrossed in the evening newspaper. The air was thick with unspoken words, and Shubman could only sigh as he made his way upstairs.

His room was his sanctuary, a place where the world's expectations and disappointments couldn't reach him. He closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of his bed, his gaze drawn to a framed photograph on the dresser. It was a snapshot of happier times: him, Shahneel, Keart, and Lakwinder, all smiling, all together. His fingers traced the glass over their faces, a silent prayer in his heart for those days to return.

The sound of running water in the shower did little to wash away the heaviness in his soul. He emerged feeling just as burdened, the droplets cascading down the drain like the days that had slipped through his fingers.

It was then that his phone rang, breaking the silence. "Hi Kaka, everything okay?" Virat's voice came through, warm and concerned.

"As usual, bhai. Ma doesn't even want to see me, while papa just ignored me," Shubman confided, the weight of his loneliness evident in his voice.

"Everything will be fine very soon, Shub," Virat reassured him, his words a balm to Shubman's aching heart.

"It's been two years since ma and papa spoke to me. Why me always, bhaiyya?" Shubman's voice cracked, the hurt too much to bear.

"I know what you're feeling, Shub, and even though this phase will pass, Shahneel will come back, and your parents will talk to you," Virat said, his conviction strong.

Shubman couldn't find the words to reply, and the line went dead. A knock at his door pulled him from his reverie. It was the maid, her face kind but wary. "Bhaiyya, come down for dinner," she urged.

"I'm not hungry," Shubman replied, his appetite lost to the turmoil within.

The maid nodded, understanding in her eyes, and Shubman closed the door, leaning against it as the weight of the world pressed down on him. Ever since Shahneel had accused him and disappeared, Keart and Lakwinder had withdrawn into a silence that was louder than any argument, leaving Shubman to navigate the cold currents of a home turned unfamiliar.

 Ever since Shahneel had accused him and disappeared, Keart and Lakwinder had withdrawn into a silence that was louder than any argument, leaving Shubman to navigate the cold currents of a home turned unfamiliar

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Sara was lounging in her cozy room, lost in the vibrant world of Instagram, her thumbs rhythmically tapping as she scrolled. The tranquility of her solitude was gently interrupted when Arjun, her brother, stepped in with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Sara, are you up for joining the grand party Virat bhai is throwing tomorrow?"

Caught by surprise, Sara's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Absolutely, why would I miss it?" she replied with a smile. Arjun, pleased with her response, added, "Great! Be all set by 7:00 pm. Ma and papa have also been invited." Sara gave an enthusiastic nod, her mind already racing through her wardrobe choices. Arjun left, his footsteps fading, and soon after, Anjali's voice echoed, "Sara, dinner's ready, come join us."

Descending the stairs, Sara found her place at the dinner table next to Sachin. Their laughter mingled with the clinking of cutlery, creating a melody of familial warmth. Post dinner, as the night embraced the home, Sara retreated to her sanctuary, her room. It wasn't long before her phone buzzed with a call from Aditi, her confidante. "Hey Aditi," Sara greeted, her voice carrying a note of endearment.

"Are you free tomorrow evening?" inquired Aditi, hopeful. Sara's response was tinged with regret, "No, dear, I've committed to Virat bhai's party." There was a pause before Aditi proposed, "Then how about we catch up tomorrow morning at the cafe?"

"That sounds like a splendid plan! We could even indulge in a bit of shopping spree afterward," Sara suggested, her tone lifting with excitement. "Perfect, see you at 10," Aditi confirmed, and with that, the call ended. Sara then immersed herself in her nightly skincare ritual, a practice of self-care that brought her peace. Returning to the embrace of her bed, she whispered a heartfelt prayer, "Thank you so much, Bhagwan, for blessing me with the most loving family one could ever wish for."

With a heart full of gratitude, Sara drifted into a serene slumber.

With a heart full of gratitude, Sara drifted into a serene slumber

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