Chapter 25

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We finally touched down at New York airport, the city that never sleeps welcoming us with its bustling energy

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We finally touched down at New York airport, the city that never sleeps welcoming us with its bustling energy. As soon as we stepped out, we spotted a sleek car waiting for Shub and me. The sight of it brought a sense of relief, promising comfort after our long journey. Shub reached out and gently took my hand, his touch providing reassurance amidst the chaos of the airport. Together, we navigated through the throngs of people, weaving in and out of the crowd until we finally settled into the plush seats of the car.

As the driver started the engine and we began to move, the exhaustion from our long flight began to weigh heavily on us. The effects of jet lag were undeniable, our bodies yearning for rest despite the excitement of being in a new city. Shubman, always the multitasker, pulled out his phone and began typing away. Curious, I turned to him and asked softly, "Whom are you messaging?"

"Di," he replied with a smile, his eyes never leaving the screen. I nodded, understanding his need to stay connected with family. With a sigh, I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth and security it provided. After a while, Shub put his phone away and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. The world outside seemed to blur as we held onto each other, finding solace in our closeness.

An hour later, we arrived at our hotel, a towering structure that promised luxury and comfort. We stepped inside and made our way to the front desk, where we were handed our room keys. To our delight, Shub's room was right next to mine, ensuring that we wouldn't be far from each other.

As we reached our floor, Shub turned to me with a smile. "I'm going to freshen up, and then we can find out where everyone else is," he said. I nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. He leaned in and kissed my forehead, a tender gesture that made my heart swell. We then went our separate ways to our respective rooms.

Once inside, I kicked off my shoes and changed out of my travel-worn jeans into a pair of comfortable track pants. After splashing my face with cool water, I felt a bit more revived. Drawn to the balcony, I stepped outside and was greeted by an incredible view of New York City. The skyline stretched out before me, a mesmerizing array of lights and towering buildings.

Yet, as stunning as the view was, my thoughts kept drifting next door to Shub. His presence, even just a room away, felt like the best view of all. Smiling to myself, I shook away those thoughts and focused on the cityscape, marveling at the beauty of New York and all the adventures it promised.

 Smiling to myself, I shook away those thoughts and focused on the cityscape, marveling at the beauty of New York and all the adventures it promised

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After I went to my room, I immediately jumped into the shower, feeling the warm water wash away the fatigue of the journey. Refreshed, I changed into comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, ready to unwind. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Harry bhai to check on everyone's whereabouts.

He picked up quickly, his familiar voice bringing a smile to my face. "Yes, partner," he answered cheerfully.

"Bhai, where are you? I just got to the hotel," I said, eager to catch up.

"We're in Ro's room, room number 543," Harry bhai replied.

"Okay, bhai, I'll be there soon," I said before hanging up. Just as I was about to leave, Sara came out of her room next door. She smiled warmly, and I placed my hand on her shoulder as we walked together towards Ro bhai's room. When we reached, Sara knocked on the door.

I removed my hand from her shoulder just as Virat bhai opened the door. His eyes lit up when he saw Sara. "Sara?" he exclaimed.

Sara responded with a grin, "Bhai, I'm the doctor for your team."

Virat bhai enveloped her in a big hug, completely ignoring me. I felt a pang of playful jealousy. It's not fair, I thought to myself. Determined to get my share of attention, I followed them inside.

Ro bhai saw me and immediately pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and greeted everyone else in the room, deliberately skipping Virat bhai. He noticed, of course, and called me out, "Oi, kaka. Didn't you see me?"

Feigning innocence, I asked Ro bhai, "Ro bhai, where is Vi bhai? Didn't he come?" Virat bhai, still standing right there, responded with mock exasperation, "I am right here, kaka."

I jumped in, trying to defuse the playful tension, "Ro bhai, I guess he'll come later." Virat bhai, not letting it go, shook my shoulder, frowning, "What's wrong with you?"

His serious tone caught me off guard, but I decided to keep up the act. "You ignored me when you opened the door and were only asking about Sara, not me," I retorted.

Jaddu bhai laughed and said, "Why are you getting jealous of your girlfriend, Kaka?" Sara, who was sipping water, choked at the sudden revelation, and my eyes widened in surprise. How did he know?

"G-girlfriend?" I stammered.

Virat bhai grinned and said, "Chill, I was the one who told them."

Sara looked a bit disappointed. "Vi bhai, we really wanted to tell, but you spoiled the surprise," she said.

Virat bhai grinned sheepishly, and I took a seat next to Yashasvi. "All okay?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, Shub, all okay. What about you?"

"Yeah, okay. Everything is falling into place," I replied with a smile. We chatted casually until my phone rang, interrupting our conversation. It was Ishan, again.

Yashasvi joked, "This guy won't leave you alone anywhere."

"Exactly," I agreed, declining the call and setting my phone to 'Do Not Disturb,' except for calls from Mumma, Papa, and Di.

Ro bhai then clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention. "Now everyone go have some rest. We will start practice from tomorrow."

We all nodded and started to leave. As the room emptied, Ro bhai stopped Sara and me. "Shub and Sara, you can share a room."

Sara's smile matched mine, lighting up our faces. We headed to my room, and I collapsed onto the bed, feeling the weight of the day lift off me. Sara snuggled up beside me, her warmth and presence comforting."Shub?" she whispered.

"Hmm?" I hummed back.

"I expected them to be shocked when they found out about us," she said softly.

I chuckled, "Me too."

With a contented sigh, my eyes grew heavy, and soon I drifted off to sleep, Sara safely in my arms, the promise of tomorrow's adventures lingering in the air.

With a contented sigh, my eyes grew heavy, and soon I drifted off to sleep, Sara safely in my arms, the promise of tomorrow's adventures lingering in the air

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