Chapter 24

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I woke up to the soft rays of the morning sun streaming through the curtains, illuminating the room in a gentle glow

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I woke up to the soft rays of the morning sun streaming through the curtains, illuminating the room in a gentle glow. As I opened my eyes, I felt a warm presence beside me. There was Sara, sleeping peacefully, snuggled up close to me. Her hair was slightly tousled, and she had the cutest pout on her face. My heart melted at the sight. I couldn't resist the urge to lean in and gently kiss her forehead. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Smiling, I carefully slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once I was done, I headed downstairs to the living room. I walked over to the guest room where my suitcase was kept. We had to leave to New York this evening, and I wanted to make sure everything was in order. I opened the suitcase and started meticulously checking through my items, making sure I had everything we needed. Rahul sir had sent me a checklist, and I was going through it item by item.

As I was engrossed in my task, I suddenly felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me from behind. Sara had come downstairs and was hugging me. Her touch was comforting, and I leaned back into her embrace for a moment before continuing with my checklist. Everything seemed to be there until I reached the first aid kit. Panic set in as I realized it was missing. "Oh no!" I exclaimed loudly. "Shit!"

Sara, startled by my outburst, asked, "What happened?"

"I need a first aid kit, and I don't have it," I replied, frustration evident in my voice.

Without missing a beat, Sara broke from the hug and went to fetch a first aid box. She returned swiftly and handed it to me with a reassuring smile. "Here you go," she said.

Relieved, I placed the first aid kit in the suitcase. "Thank you," I said gratefully. "Ishan is coming over later."

Sara's eyes lit up. "So is Aditi," she announced cheerfully.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Sara's face lit up with excitement. "Because I ship them a lot. They look so cute together!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're something else, you know that?" I said, zipping up the suitcase. With a sigh of satisfaction, I took my cricket kit and suitcase to the living room, placing them near the door.

Sara returned to the kitchen and brought back a plate of pancakes. "This is all I could manage amidst the packing hustle," she said, placing the plate on the table.

I smiled warmly at her effort. "It's perfect, thank you," I said.Sara sat across from me as we began to eat. "Who all are coming to New York?" she asked curiously.

I shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. I'll need to find out once we get there."

We finished our breakfast, ensuring everything was packed and ready. Deciding to relax before the trip, we opted to watch a movie. As always, Sara snuggled up to me, and I wrapped my arm around her, kissing her hair affectionately.

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