Chapter 7

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As the chilly London air greeted us, I could sense an unease in Shubman's demeanor, a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. Despite my attempts to coax words from him, he remained a fortress of silence. We navigated through the bustling airport, and as we stepped outside, I wrapped my arms around him in a comforting embrace. "You can always find sanctuary at my place, Shub," I offered, hoping to provide some solace.

With a wry smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Shubman replied, "I appreciate it, Sara. But I'll only impose on you if Ishan becomes unbearable." His laughter was a fleeting escape from the weight he carried, and as he sauntered towards his awaiting cab, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. We parted ways, each to our own solitude.

Back at my abode, I meticulously unpacked my belongings, stowing away the treats and treasures from my travels. The routine brought a semblance of normalcy, yet Shubman's troubled expression lingered in my mind. A call to Arjun, my brother, brought the comforting sounds of home to my ears. "Hey sis! You've landed safely?" he inquired, his voice a familiar melody.

"Yes, I've arrived. How's everyone?" I asked, seeking reassurance.

"We're all well. Just enjoying a lazy day," Arjun responded, his words painting a picture of domestic bliss.

Our conversation meandered through the mundane and the heartfelt before I bid him farewell. Next, I dialed Aditi, my confidante, who immediately sensed the undercurrents of my concern. "You've reached? But tell me, why the sudden interest in Shubman's well-being?" she prodded, her intuition sharp as ever.

I hesitated, caught off guard. "What are you implying?" I asked, my defenses rising.

Aditi's voice softened, "Sara, it's clear as day. You harbor feelings for him."

Her accusation sent my thoughts into a tailspin. Feelings for Shubman? The very idea seemed ludicrous, yet a small voice within me whispered, "Why not? He's the epitome of charm and grace."

"No, you're mistaken," I retorted, even as doubt crept in. "There's nothing of the sort."

"Then prove it. Close your eyes. Who do you see?" Aditi challenged.

I obliged, and in the darkness behind my eyelids, Shubman's image danced before me—his kindness, his smile. "Shub," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper.

Aditi's knowing laughter filled the line. "It seems you do have a soft spot for him."

I ended the call with a smile tugging at my lips, my heart fluttering with newfound realization. Did I truly harbor affection for Shubman? In his presence, I found a haven, a sense of protection that I hadn't known I craved. My room became a sanctuary of joy as I twirled, the possibility of love igniting a spark within me.

Yet, amidst the euphoria, doubts clouded my mind. Would Shubman reciprocate my feelings, given the turmoil in his life? Could he juggle the complexities of his world and make room for me, or would I be just another complication?

Compelled by concern, I reached out to him via FaceTime. His features were etched with fatigue, his voice heavy with weariness. "Were you resting?" I inquired gently.

"No, sleep eludes me, despite the exhaustion," he confessed.

"What's troubling you, Shub?" I pressed, my heart aching for him.

He hesitated, then revealed, "Ever since we boarded the flight, I've been haunted by the feeling that Di is near."

My heart clenched at the pain in his voice. "Rest now, Shub. We'll search for her together," I assured him, offering a beacon of hope in the darkness.

His eyes, brimming with vulnerability, met mine. "Can you stay on the call until I fall asleep?" he asked, a childlike plea.

I nodded, my own eyes moistening as I witnessed his helplessness. How could anyone abandon such a soul, especially his own sister?

After he drifted off, I poured over my notepad, piecing together the puzzle of their estrangement. What could have driven a wedge between Shubman and Shahneel? Was there an external influence, someone manipulating the bonds of family?

I pondered, drawing from my own experiences as an elder sibling. Could Shahneel's fiancé be the instigator? Or had Shubman committed an unforgivable act?

Determined to uncover the truth, I reached out to Ishan. "Hi Sara," he greeted me.

"Ishan, I need to understand what happened between Shub and Shahneel," I implored.

He sighed, a sound heavy with unspoken secrets. "Only Virat knows the full story, and he's not talking about it. Not even to Nushkie bhabhi. All I know is that Shub's relationship with Keart Aunty and Lakwinder Uncle is strained."

Grateful for the insight, I ended the call, my mind racing with questions. Should I confront Shahneel directly? No, she'd recognize me and likely remain silent.

I lay in bed, the night's silence amplifying my thoughts. Should I approach Virat bhaiyya himself? But if he's kept silent thus far, what are the chances he'd confide in me?

Exhaustion finally claimed me, and as I succumbed to sleep, I resolved to seek answers from Shubman himself. It was the only way to navigate the labyrinth of our intertwined fates.

I know its a short chapter but here's a double update

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I know its a short chapter but here's a double update.

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