Chapter 22

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Shub woke up in the evening, but the exhaustion still lingered in his eyes

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Shub woke up in the evening, but the exhaustion still lingered in his eyes. Despite his tiredness, he managed to smile at me, and I responded by kissing his forehead gently. He made his way to the bathroom to freshen up while I headed towards the kitchen to make some coffee for us. The familiar sound of the coffee machine and the rich aroma brought a sense of comfort and normalcy to the evening.

Carrying the steaming mugs, I walked back towards our room, and found Shubman sitting at the study desk, deep in thought as he scribbled in his notebook. Curious, I leaned in to see what he was writing, but before I could decipher his thoughts, he closed the book abruptly and turned around, gasping in surprise.

I handed him his coffee mug with a smile. He accepted it gratefully and walked out to the balcony. I followed, carefully holding my cup, and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He placed his hand gently over mine, and I could feel the tension in his body. "Are you still thinking about the T20 World Cup?" I asked softly.

Shub nodded, his silence speaking volumes. I tried to place my chin on his shoulder, like he used to do to comfort me when I was upset, but my 5'4" frame couldn't quite reach. "Nothing will happen, Shubi," I reassured him, my voice filled with determination. "Shall I tell you some exciting news?"

His curiosity piqued, Shub turned slightly towards me and asked, "What is it?"

"I've been selected as the Indian team's doctor for the World Cup," I announced with a grin. "The college was given an opportunity from the BCCI, and since I'm Indian, our principal chose me to join the team."

Shubman's face lit up with pure joy. He set his coffee cup down on the table and lifted me off the ground, twirling me around in a celebratory spin. "That's the best news you've given me, baby!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

I laughed, feeling his excitement mingling with my own. "Of course, baby. Now come on, let's go downstairs," I suggested.

Shub nodded, his mood visibly lifted. As we made our way down, we chatted about the T20 World Cup, sharing hopes and dreams for the future. Despite the challenges ahead, we both felt a renewed sense of optimism and support, ready to face whatever came our way together.

 Despite the challenges ahead, we both felt a renewed sense of optimism and support, ready to face whatever came our way together

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