That Butler; Dance

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It's pinkie pie y'alls!

The trio eventually returns to the manor, only to be met with a barrage of pink and a childish amount of "cute" décor as soon as Ciel's servant opens the door. Sebastian and Ciel stand in shock, the boy is more appalled than anything as he wonders what happened to his foyer. The other servants come rushing to Sebastian, complaining about the crazy girl who had also seemed to dress them in particularly ridiculous outfits. _______ seems to be unbothered and knows exactly who they are referring to, so ______ leads Sebastian and Ciel into the equally now pink and "cutesy" parlor. Where Grelle is being hung by the neck on the ceiling.

"How's it hanging Grelle?"

"I believe I'm in the process of dying Miss/Sir(?) ______..." The choking butler replies, to which Sebastian promptly sets him down after

"Ciiiiiieeeeel!!! You're back, I missed you so much!!"

The one who caused all this runs to Ciel and hugs the boy tight. This young blonde and bubbly lady, is his fiancé, Lady Elizabeth Midford. Seems she came to visit her husband-to-be on short notice. And decorated the foyer and parlor to her liking while they were out...

"Oh, you really are just the cutest ever! My darling boy, I could just eat you up!!"

"Lady Elizabeth, how lovely to see you. Would you like me to prepare refreshments while you and the Master chat?"

"Yes yes! Do what you should- Oh Ciel you are just so cuuteee!"

Elizabeth's tone with _______ is more or less dismissive, as she is too busy trying to coddle her fiancé. Hugging Ciel even tighter, ________ excuses themself from the room with a knowing smirk, to prepare some refreshments for their 'unexpected' guest. Sebastian and the rest looking at the two to-be-betrothed individuals as Elizabeth gushes about how cute she made the room

Ciel's eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him, his frustration mounting as he sees his beloved manor transformed into a garish display of pink and cuteness. He can hardly believe his eyes, his voice tinged with both exasperation and resignation as he addresses Elizabeth. "Lady Elizabeth, I appreciate the effort you've put into decorating, but this is a bit... excessive, don't you think?" he remarks, his tone polite yet tinged with a touch of annoyance.

Elizabeth pouts, her grip on Ciel tightening as she presses her face against his. Her voice is filled with adoration and excitement. "But Ciel, it's all for you! I thought you would appreciate the extra touch of cuteness in our home." Ciel sighs inwardly, his gaze flickering towards Sebastian, silently conveying his irritation. Sebastian, ever the composed butler, gives a discreet nod and disappears to attend to the refreshments. Meanwhile, _______ returns with a tray of tea and delicate pastries, placing it on the table with a small smile.

"Here you are, Lady Elizabeth. I hope you enjoy the refreshments," _____ says cheerfully, their voice laced with an undertone of mischief.

Elizabeth turns her head, acknowledging _____ with a nod. "Yes yes. Now, where were we, Ciel? You haven't told me how much you love the new décor."

Ciel inwardly groans, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. He steels himself, knowing that tact is required in dealing with Elizabeth's youthful exuberance. "Lady Elizabeth, I appreciate the gesture," he begins carefully. "But perhaps it would be better if we maintained the manor's usual décor. It aligns better with my taste and the image we wish to portray."

Ciel's expression turns slightly sour as he is once again engulfed in Elizabeth's embrace, her overly enthusiastic display of affection grating on his nerves. He tries his best to maintain his composure, though his discomfort is evident in his tensed posture. "Sebastian, get to work." Ciel orders, his voice carrying a tone of annoyance. "And ensure that the preparations for dinner tonight are to her liking."

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now