That Butler; Buns

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"Chill out Princey, no need to scream... If you really want something. Take it by storm!" _______ exclaims, smiling at the Prince as they help him stand up


Ciel's eyes soften a tad as he listens to Soma's desperate plea. He understands the pain and confusion the prince is feeling, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. He knows what it's like to be left behind, to wonder why those closest to him have vanished without a trace. Ciel walks over to Soma, his expression gentle yet resolute. "Prince Soma, I understand your anger and confusion. It's not easy when the people closest to us suddenly betray our trust. But remember, you are not alone in this. We will find the answers you seek."

Sebastian, ever the voice of reason, interjects with a hint of sternness. "But I must remind you, Prince Soma, that merely blaming others will not bring you the closure you desire. It is crucial for you to take charge of your own life and stand tall, even in the face of betrayal. There will be challenges, dangers, and obstacles along the way. Are you prepared to face them?"

_______'s voice softens further, their tone filled with an undeniable sense of determination. "If you truly wanna know why they left you, then you must be willing to take charge of your own life. Stand up, face your fears, and be prepared to do whatever it takes to find the answers you seek."

________ places a hand on Soma's shoulder, offering a small but reassuring smile. "You are not alone, Princey. We will be by your side throughout this journey. Together, we will seek the truth and confront those responsible."

Ciel turns to _______ and Sebastian, his voice taking on a commanding tone. "Prepare yourselves. We shall set forth on a path of investigation and delve into the darkness that surrounds Agni and Harold. Our goal is to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who have betrayed Prince Soma."

With a resolute nod, Ciel leads the way towards his study, where he hopes to gather the necessary resources and devise a plan to uncover the truth behind Soma's missing servants. Soma's eyes meet Ciel's, his grip firm as he accepts the outstretched hand. "Thank you, Ciel. I promise, I will not let you down."

Ciel's lips curve into a small smile, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "I know you won't, Prince Soma."

Ciel decides to join the competition for his Funtom Corporation, (per _______'s request. Or was it a premonition?) and Soma asserts that Agni is renowned for his curry-making abilities so he will be a difficult opponent. Soma then takes the job of a taste-tester for Sebastian, in order to assist in selecting a competition-worthy curry. After many failed attempts, Sebastian is, at last, able to produce an excellent curry, and they enter the curry competition

At the competition, Soma points out that Sebastian is making the curry in imperfect conditions and that he is overheating the curry. He is convinced that the Funtom Corporation will lose, but when the curry bun is presented, it turns out to be a clever tactic on Sebastian's part. Sebastian wins the competition, and Harold is greatly upset. Mina runs to him, and Soma approaches her, delighted to have finally found her. She, however, insults him and reveals that she had purposely left him because he was a selfish brat. He apologizes for not understanding her feelings beforehand. He then goes to Agni, acknowledging everything he has done for him, and he asks if they can remain together, which the latter gratefully accepts.

Soma figures out that one of the curry dishes had a forbidden spice called Kali Ma in them. Resulting in Mina's and a few others to rampage. The spice inducing the dark desires of man to surface for those who've eaten the curry. Making people into monsters. Sebastian and Agni fight off the possessed people, keeping them from harming any others.

Mina rushes towards Ciel, and Soma tries to block her way to him. Only for her to unceremoniously trip on the carpet. Falling onto her face. ________ letting out a bout of laughter at the ridiculous scene.

"Pff-Hahahaha that was the dumbest fall- Gods, It's so much better in person!" _______ laughs, gripping onto their stomach as they do.

Soma then stepping on Mina as well to keep her still. As Ciel orders Sebastian to feed the possessed ones the curry buns. Resulting in everyone coming back to their senses in the end..

Soma cries, hugging onto Ciel in the end about how his Mina left him for good. Giving the others a small laugh at the over the top crying from the Indian prince. Much to Ciel's bitter annoyance and disgust. Ciel grits his teeth, visibly uncomfortable with the sudden display of affection from Soma. He tries to pry himself out of Soma's grasp, his voice laced with annoyance. "Soma, please refrain from clinging onto me like a barnacle. Get a hold of yourself!"

"Pfft- Princey you're getting snot all over him..."

"I- -Khadima/Kahnsama you are so kind!!!" Soma exclaims, hugging ______ this time and burying his face in _________'s chest as he cries. "Oh boy.."

Soma, overwhelmed with emotions, sobs into _______'s chest, his tears staining their clothes. "K-Khadima, you are so kind too!! I don't deserve your friendship!" He sniffles, expressing both gratitude and regret. Ciel grimaces slightly, trying to maintain his composure as Soma's cries echo through the area. _______ gently pats the prince on the back, an awkward smile on their face.

"________, try not to suffocate him with your- uh, support," Ciel stammers, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.

__________ giggles and gently wraps their arms around Soma, offering him comfort in his moment of vulnerability. "There, there, Princey. Let it all out. We're here for you," ______ says, a warm smile on their face.

Ciel sighs inwardly, feeling a mix of annoyance and sympathy towards Soma's over-the-top display of emotions. He tries to extricate himself from the prince's embrace, finding it slightly uncomfortable. Giving him a small scoff. "Alright. Come now, let's let Mina and the others recover from the effects of the forbidden spice. We've dealt with the immediate crisis, but our work is not yet done. We must ensure the safety and well-being of everyone here."

Ciel glances over at ________, Sebastian, and Agni, his expression turning serious "Sebastian, ________ Agni, we must be vigilant and prepared for any further complications or threats. Keep a close eye on Mina and the others affected by the spice. Let us not forget the dangers that lie within the shadows."

He turns back to Soma, his voice softening slightly. "Prince Soma, despite the current circumstances, do not lose hope. We will find a way to resolve this situation and bring about a resolution that benefits everyone involved. But for now, let us focus on restoring peace and stability.

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now