That Butler; Deathly

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_______'s mind raced, their grip on reality slipping as the traumatic memories threatened to consume them. They could feel their resolve faltering, doubt creeping back in, and their body trembling with fear. But they knew they couldn't let their past control their present. They couldn't let Angela, or the illusion of their father, break them.

With a fierce determination, _______ forced themselves to focus, pushing aside the haunting images and memories. They reminded themselves that they were stronger now, that they had grown beyond the pain they had endured. They refused to let their abuser hold power over them any longer.

Summoning all their strength, _______ channeled their mana into one final strike, aiming to shatter the illusion and defeat their demons once and for all. As their weapon connected with the illusion of their father, the image shattered into countless shards, dissipating into thin air.

As _______'s strike connected, it carried an unexpected force that pierced through Angela's body. The shock of the impact reverberated through her, and a gasp of pain escaped her lips. Time seemed to slow as Angela's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless and bloodied.

The sight before _______ left them momentarily stunned, their breath catching in their throat. They hadn't intended to strike Angela with such fatal force, but in the midst of their desperation and confusion, their attack had found its mark. The weight of the moment settled heavily upon them as they realized the consequences of their actions.

Silence enveloped the battlefield as _______ stared at Angela's lifeless form. The air thickened with a mix of shock, relief, and a tinge of guilt. They had defeated the threat, but at what cost? The weight of taking a life, even in self-defense, bore heavily upon their conscience.

Ciel, Sebastian, Grelle, and the rest of the Phantomhive household exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. Ciel's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with a combination of disbelief and acceptance.

"_______, did what you had to do."

"I-I... I killed her... Oh fuck, oh God... I fucking killed her..!"

Ciel's voice softened as he approached _______, his eyes filled with understanding and compassion. He placed a gentle hand on their shoulder, offering support in a moment of profound uncertainty.

"I know it's difficult to accept, _______. Taking a life is never an easy thing, even in self-defense. But you must remember that Angela was a threat to us all, and you acted to protect yourself and everyone here. It was a necessary action, even if it weighs heavily on your conscience."

Sebastian, too, approached, his voice calm and reassuring. "_______, you are not defined by this one moment. You have shown strength, resilience, and the willingness to protect those you care about. Sometimes, in the face of danger, difficult decisions must be made. What matters now is how we move forward from here."

Grelle stepped forward, their expression filled with empathy. "Oh, my darling, I know the pain you must be feeling. But please remember that you did what was necessary to ensure your own survival and the safety of others. Your actions were not in vain. We will support you through this, every step of the way."

_______ nodded, their voice trembling as they spoke. "I... I get that but- Fuck... I didn't mean to- to...."

The battle came to an abrupt halt, the effects of the Lady Blanc drug and Angela's powers started to dissipate. The affected individuals were finally free from their control, their minds and bodies slowly returning to normal. They were immediately taken into the care of medical professionals, ensuring their well-being and recovery.

However, amidst the relief and the healing process, _______ found themselves grappling with a heavy burden. The realization that they had taken a life, regardless of Angela's nature, weighed heavily on their conscience. The weight of that action seemed to suffocate them, leaving them questioning their own morality and struggling to come to terms with the consequences of their desperate strike.

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now