That Butler; Fight

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[A/N; Anyways the girls are fighting]

A good few days have passed since then, and yet again the Lady Elizabeth had come to visit unannounced. Coming to the manor without a notice just as Ciel and Sebastian are out for errands and such. Leaving ___________ and the other servants to tend to the young lady. _________ serves the girl tea within the drawing room, hopefully their conversation could become a pleasant one.

"Isn't it a lovely afternoon Lady Elizabeth"


"Would you care to take a stroll in the garden? The master has been eager to see the roses recently surely you'd like to see as well..?"


"W-Would you like more tea?"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear another word." Elizabeth says, clearly unhappy that she has to spend time and be served by the servant she thinks is stealing her fiancé from her. Not that she's in the wrong however as just recently, Ciel did confess to __________ of his attraction and affections for them... The thought making _______ wince as they recall that time...

___________ tries their best to maintain their composure as Lady Elizabeth's cold demeanor continues to permeate the room. They take a deep breath, reminding themselves to remain respectful and composed despite the tension in the air.

"I apologize if I've said anything to upset you, Lady Elizabeth," ___________ responds, their voice calm and steady, though their heart races with unease. "I am here to serve you and make your visit as comfortable as possible. If there's anything you need or anything I can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to let me know."

They pour a fresh cup of tea for Lady Elizabeth, their hands steady despite the inner turmoil. "If you prefer silence, I will respect your wishes. However, if there's anything you'd like to talk about, I am here to listen and offer my support."

___________ takes a step back, giving Lady Elizabeth her space while still being attentive to her needs. They know that their presence may be a constant reminder of Ciel's obvious feelings, and it pains them to see Lady Elizabeth in such distress. But they also understand that their role as a servant is to remain professional and provide comfort, no matter the circumstances.

"You..." Elizabeth mutters, barely turning to look at ___________ as she speaks, "What does Ciel even see in you? Why you of all people..?"

"My Lady I-"

"How come a servant like you gets to see Ciel smile when I had gone all my life even after everything to see his smile again? Why??"

"I'm sorry my lady I-"

"Silence!! I don't want to hear it! Why why couldn't it be me that he smiles so fondly at? Why why why??" Elizabeth covers her eyes with her hands, catching her tears in them as she cries out. It was a painful sight to see, _________ knows they can't really say anything regarding the matter as they were not allowed to, but they wish they could ease the lady's pains a bit.

"Tell me, do you even love him like I do..?"

"My lady... Love... Is a complicated thing, love doesn't really let you choose who to love. It's a confusing emotion, and even I myself don't know how to explain it. But for me... To love... Is to love myself. Which Honestly I don't really do. So... Can't really say I love the master in the sense that you do..."

___________ listens to Lady Elizabeth's outburst, her pain and frustration palpable in the air. They remain silent, allowing her to vent her emotions, even if her words sting.

When Lady Elizabeth asks if _________ loves Ciel, they pause for a moment, contemplating their response. They know that honesty is important, but they also understand the delicate nature of the situation.

"My lady, love is a complex and multifaceted emotion," ___________ begins, their voice gentle yet firm. "It takes many different forms and can be difficult to define. As a servant, my duty is to support and care for the young master with unwavering loyalty. My love for him is one of dedication and devotion, to ensure his well-being and happiness."

They take a step closer to Lady Elizabeth, their voice filled with empathy. "But I understand the depth of your feelings for him. Your love is born out of a shared history and connection that only the two of you can truly comprehend. It is a love that has endured through hardships and has shaped both of your lives."

___________ reaches out, gently placing a hand on Lady Elizabeth's shoulder. "I may not be able to fully understand or replicate the love you feel for Ciel, but I know that your love for him runs deep"

"If... If you don't love him and he knows this, then why won't he love me...??"

"My lady he does love you. Perhaps not in the romantic sense, but he loves you all the same. That I'm sure of." ________ exclaims, giving the lady's shoulder a squeeze. But this answer doesn't fare well with the lady, it's not the answer she wishes for. And thus- the Lady Elizabeth tackles ______ to the floor, screaming and pulling at their hair in anger and frustration.

"You're horrid! You thief!! You- you..!!"

"My lady pleas- Calm down!!"

The two tumble about on the floor, Elizabeth scratching and clawing at _________ as the latter tries to block the frenzied attacks with their arms and such. The fight becoming worse and worse as _________ begins to lose their patience with this girl.

"I'm going to rip you apart you- you witch! You idiot..!!"

"I'm not an idiot- maybe look yourself!"

"Ugh, you're horrid..!!"

Soon enough, punches and kicks start to get delivered by both individuals. The fight resounding throughout the room. And maybe even the outside, as ________'s pretty sure they can hear footsteps approaching.

The chaos unfolds as Lady Elizabeth's anger escalates into a physical altercation. _________ finds themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions, their initial attempts at restraint and calm giving way to frustration and anger. They struggle to defend themselves against Lady Elizabeth's relentless attacks, their own desperation fueling their actions.

Amidst the chaos, the sound of approaching footsteps grows louder, indicating that others are on their way to intervene. _________ knows they must find a way to diffuse the situation before it spirals further out of control. As they grapple with Lady Elizabeth, they manage to wriggle free for a brief moment.

"Enough!" _________ shouts, their voice filled with authority and frustration. "Lady Elizabeth, just stop already! You're afraid of losing the master I get it, but violence or jealousy isn't gonna solve shit!"

They lock eyes with Lady Elizabeth, their expression stern and resolute. "You are better than this, Lady Elizabeth. You are a noblewoman, and your actions do not befit your station. You know this can go the other way, lets not fight, c'mon."

The footsteps grow closer, and _________ hopes that their words will reach Lady Elizabeth's ears, urging her to reconsider her actions. They are keenly aware of the consequences that could arise.

"Then admit you're a spineless coward of a witch! Say you can't love, admit you're a pawn, a puppet with no heart to care!" Elizabeth screams, both her and ________ looking awfully disheveled. Their clothes ruffed up and crumpled in places, hair flown into different directions. Even Elizabeth's usual drills weren't there anymore, seemingly blown away like a hurricane came by.

"I will if it makes this situation better! I am- I am a spineless coward!"

"You don't understand it! You don't understand how good you have it to be loved by my Ciel! You won't even accept his love, why are you even here?"

"I can't help where I am! I'm just here, and I can't help who does and does not like me as you can see!" Elizabeth lunges at _______ again, pinning them to the floor with a harsh thud.

"Why can't you? Oh right, you're just a coward, pathetic and weak!"

"At least I'm not a violent psychopath that won't take no for an answer!!" Suddenly, Baldroy, Tanaka, Mey-Rin, Finnian and Pluto enter the room all in shock as Elizabeth tries to slap _________ once again. Baldroy grabbing _______ while Finnian grabs the Lady Elizabeth, pulling the two away from the other as Elizabeth continues to yell.

"If you can't accept Ciel's love then say it, say you hate him! Say it..!!!" 

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now