That Butler; Gone

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[A/N; Claude is being quite touchy]

_________'s in this silky and velvety looking black outfit, adorned with intricate embroidery and golden butterflies hanging on the side of the fabric going down. They've also got this fine fur shawl of sorts over their shoulders. Their hair down, carefully curled and styled to look as if their hair was tied into a rose on the back of their head. Their (hair color) locks held up by black butterflies similar to the ones on their dress. A crystal choker around their slender neck, and light makeup on their face. They're beautiful, no gorgeous, no, stunning! He can't even find the words to describe them right now...*

________ blushes lightly. Tugging on the fabric of the outfit, whilst shyly trying to meet Ciel and Sebastian's eyes. Their long lashes slightly hiding their eyes beneath them. When they finally look at the master and butler properly, their voice is soft and sweet...

"I'm not used to this fancy stuff, but uh... How do I look?"

Ciel's eyes widen slightly as he takes in _________'s breathtaking appearance. The black outfit accentuates their delicate features, and the golden details add a touch of elegance. He can't help but feel a flutter of admiration in his chest, though he quickly covers it up with his usual stoic demeanor.

"You look... exquisite," Ciel says, his voice laced with a hint of surprise. "The outfit suits you well, _________. It seems Claude has quite the taste in fashion."

Sebastian's eyes linger on _________, his lips curling into a subtle smile. "Indeed, you look absolutely stunning, _________. A true vision of beauty."

_______ blushes deeper at the compliments, feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment. They fidget with the fabric of their dress, their voice barely above a whisper. "T-Thank you, C, Sebs.. I'm glad you think so..."

Ciel regains his composure and adjusts his collar, his voice steady yet unable to hide a hint of awe. "You really... look absolutely enchanting, _______. This gown suits you perfectly, highlighting your beauty in ways that words cannot capture."

_______'s cheeks grow hotter at his words, a shy smile gracing their lips. "Real flattering, C."

Ciel clears his throat, regaining his composure. "Now, let us proceed with the dinner. We have limited time, and I am eager to uncover the truth behind Alois Trancy."

Claude takes _______, placing the young servant on the table as he pushes them down. Placing a chaste kiss on their neck. Before biting down, and drinking up some blood as if like a vampire. But Ciel still isn't very happy about it, especially with the way the demon looks at them..

It's like a starved animal, looking down at it's meek and defenseless prey. However, he knows, __________ is nothing at all like a weak little fur ball. They're much stronger than anyone gives them credit for.

"Adorned with gold, covered in velvet and the finest mulberry silk. A white Russian Sable fur shawl to match, and the most delicate glass shoes. Perfect for a fine lady like yourself..." Claude says, hands running over ________'s form from behind as if touching the most fragile glass. He leans close to their ear, nuzzling his face into their hair, as he inhales their sweet scent. He's obviously obsessed, it seems their soul is truly one of the kind. One that would drive any demon insane with hunger as seen with Claude and maybe Sebastian if he wasn't bound by Ciel's orders.

"Don't get ahead of yourself..." ________ mutters, but gasps as Claude takes another bite at them. Lapping up the blood that spills, his hands crawling their way up under the servant's outfit and resting on their supple thighs. "Hah... Ah-"

"My what darling sounds you make, my little snack..."

Ciel's eyes narrow, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and protectiveness. "Enough, Claude. Remember our agreement. You are here to provide information, not indulge in your twisted desires."

Claude chuckles darkly, his lips stained with _________'s blood. He pulls away, his eyes gleaming with both amusement and hunger. "Oh, but Earl Phantomhive, can't you see? The taste of their blood, the touch of their skin... it's simply irresistible. A mere taste won't hurt, will it?"

Sebastian, standing by Ciel's side, remains silent but his eyes flash with a mixture of concern and calculation. He knows that Ciel despises the idea of _________ being used as a pawn or object of desire, but he also understands the importance of obtaining the information they seek.

Ciel grits his teeth, his voice firm and commanding. "Claude, I suggest you focus on the task at hand. Provide the information you promised, or I will ensure that you never get another opportunity to lay your hands on ________."

"Enough, Claude," Ciel's voice cuts through the room, firm and commanding. "Release ______ immediately."

Sebastian, sensing Ciel's growing anger, steps forward, his eyes locked on Claude. "I suggest you comply with the young master's request, Claude. You wouldn't want to face the consequences of defying him."

Claude's grip on ________ tightens, his eyes flickering with a mix of hunger and possessiveness. He chuckles darkly, his voice laced with amusement. "Oh, but Ciel, my dear boy, you should know better than anyone that I enjoy playing with my food. __________ is such a delectable morsel, and I intend to savor every moment."

Sadly, the demon does not heed this order. Claude expected his meal to be much more stiff and uncertain than they were, but perhaps there are past experiences they dare not relive that were somewhat successful in getting the (hair color) to untether from parts of their rationality. Once they briefly pulled away to catch their breaths, Claude couldn't help but marvel at how soft their lips were and how they were shining and swollen from his ministrations. The golden eyed demon placed a hand on the other's cheeks and was slightly taken aback when he found the servant leaning into the touch. Their (eye color) eyes were sheltered by their long eyelashes, but still managed to catch the light of the moon.

From this close, he could admire those eyes fully; the light danced within them, swirling and turning like a whirlwind. His heart tugged at him and he pulled the other in closer to lock lips once again. Claude's ungloved fingers buried themselves in locks of (hair color) hair until it found the barrier of the braided crown. As beautiful as he found it, he couldn't help but pull at the strings that were holding it together. The demon butler pulled back to watch the braid unravel and frame the soft face with waves of (hair color). It was astonishing how just a few more locks around the face betrayed the status of the refined individual. It made their face seem softer and diminished a bit of the practicality that seemed to linger in their aura. The demon wished to unravel them more until he could see the depths of their soul.

"Such a sweet thing.."

"Shut up and eat already, dammit.."

The hand on ________'s thigh slid up, underneath their outfit, causing them to shiver slightly. Claude's lips grazed __________'s earlobe as he spoke, his voice filled with a seductive tone that sent shivers down their spine once again. Claude's gaze roamed over his meal's body, appreciating every inch of them. His eyes lingered on the gentle curve of their waist, the swell of their chest beneath the sheer fabric, and the slender shape of their legs. Like a predator assessing its prey, he took in the sight before him, feeling a hunger deep within him that could only be sated by the touch of this human.

With a predatory grin, Claude pulled the servant onto his lap, their bodies pressed close together with an intoxicating blend of desire and need. His hands roamed their back, tracing delicate patterns along their spine, sending tingles of pleasure dancing across their skin. His lips lowered to their collarbone, planting a trail of fiery kisses along the curve of their neck. His tongue flicked out, tracing the outline of their pulse and lapping the remaining blood stains from his previous bites, feeling it quicken beneath his touch. As his mouth traveled lower, his teeth grazed against the soft, sensitive skin, eliciting a gasp from ________'s lips, the sound echoing in the room.


That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now