That Butler; Circus

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Sebastian agrees but nonetheless, he encourages Ciel to do his best during the entrance test and he would be "rooting for him from the bottom of his heart." _________ shaking their head at the butler's teasing, laughing a little. With Ciel informing the others about it, reluctantly agreeing to go through with it. They return to the circus next day, and Joker says that Ciel, Alois and ________ are a cute trio of kids. Subsequently, Ciel introduces himself as a pageboy in a manor named "Finnian." Alois introducing himself as "Jim" a gardener and ________ as "Rin" obviously not needing to really lie about them being a servant. Joker claims that that if they join, he will give them all a stage name. However, cuteness is not sufficient to join the circus and they have to be able to perform. After inquiring what his strong points are, Ciel claims that it is darts and is told to do some knife-throwing. Dagger hands him a knife and he is ordered to hit a distant target. Dagger utters that Joker is mean as with Ciel's skinny arms, he will not be able to reach the target. Joker says that he is not mean as it cannot be closer for the show. Ciel throws the knife and the aim seems to deteriorate to the ground when it miraculously ascends and hit the target, bewildering Joker and Dagger. Ciel hurls some more daggers that hit the target, but in reality, Sebastian prevents them from falling by flicking pebbles at them. Afterwards, when the daggers are all accumulated on the target, Ciel smugly asks if he passes and Joker says that he seems to have control over knife-throwing and they move on to the next test.

"Pssh. Nice throws, "Finnian"..." Alois-er, "Jim" mutters, nudging the other a little while they follow Joker to another area of the circus. ________- "Rin" shaking their head at this and giggling.

Ciel rolls his eyes at Alois' comment, a hint of annoyance tugging at the corners of his lips. He glances at Lumine, shaking his head as if to say, "Can you believe this?" before focusing his attention back on Joker.

"Enough with the sarcasm, 'Jim'," Ciel retorts, his voice dripping with impatience. "We still have a long way to go. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Alois and himself had already shown their skills, the former fire breathing and such and the latter, knife throwing. Which leaves Lumine as the last performer. And as they follow Joker to the next test area, Ciel's mind races with thoughts of what lies ahead. He knows that he needs to maintain his composure and prove himself capable of performing in the circus. There's no room for mistakes or hesitation.

When they arrive at the next test, Ciel takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what's to come. He listens intently as Joker explains the task at hand, his eyes narrowing in determination.

"It's been a while since I've done anything like this.." ________ mutters excitedly, and it seems their task for this one is to walk upon a tightrope. Easy enough for them, Ciel has seen them handle wires much thinner than the rope before them. Sure enough they'll be able to walk through this test like a breeze.

"Ahem. For my first trick, I will pull items out of nowhere!" ________ 'jokingly' announces, before snapping their fingers and actually procuring a hat and a cane almost out of nowhere- it was Joker's hat actually. Swiped from him somehow without him noticing. The servant giggling at everyone else's faces of astonishment. "But of course that's not what we're here for right? I have to walk on this tightrope!"

________ hops over to the edge and start of the tightrope, turning around to face Ciel and co. "Ah, but that's too boring! How about we dance on it instead??"

"Music please!" _________ exclaims as Sebastian already has a saxophone in hand, playing a song as ________cartwheels onto the tightrope without any trouble. Shocking everyone watching their performance as they even begin to dance on the rope.

Ciel watches in awe as ________ effortlessly cartwheels onto the tightrope, their movements so graceful and fluid. The combination of Sebastian's saxophone music and ________'s skillful dance on the rope creates a mesmerizing spectacle. The onlookers are captivated, their eyes fixed on ________ as they twirl and spin, defying gravity with each step.

Ciel can't help but feel a surge of pride swelling within him. Despite the chaotic circumstances they find themselves in, ________ continues to shine and bring a sense of wonder to those around them. It's a reminder of their resilience and adaptability, qualities that Ciel greatly admires.

There was a moment that _______ did almost slip up, but of course Sebastian was quick to help. Shooting a small rock at them to help regain their balance on the tightrope. Much to the servant's pain and displeasure.

As ________ finishes their dance, gracefully dismounting from the tightrope, a wave of applause and cheers erupts from the audience. Ciel joins in, clapping his hands with genuine enthusiasm. "Well done, 'Rin'. That was truly impressive!"

Alois, unable to contain his excitement, jumps up and down, clapping his hands together rapidly. "That was amazing, 'Rin'! I knew you could do it!"

"Yeessh watching all those magic show stuffs may have been worth it"

Sebastian, Ciel, Alois and _________'s stage names are revealed to be Black, Smile, Blaze, and Puppet respectively. Ciel is discontent with the name although he greets them anyway. Joker then takes them on a tour of the backstage area, pointing out the second-tier members' tents (i.e. for backstage workers and newcomers) and shows them the space that permits about two to three people per room. He indicates the mess hall and storeroom and says that it is important for the new recruits to provide grub and food. In the area, the center one is the first aid tent and the most central one is the first-tier (i.e. main cast) members' private tents. Joker informs that you only get a private tent if you are exceedingly adept. He warns them to stay away from Snake's tent as they are guarded by Snake's poisonous snakes and if bitten once by the them, he or she will die. He tells the group that Snake and his snakes are still shy and they should be careful with their poison.

On a different subject, Joker asks what happened to Ciel's eye and Ciel stammers out that there was an accident. Joker is sympathetic and comforting, saying that Ciel is still young and yet he went through a lot. He smiles and pats Ciel's head, reassuring him that everyone here has been through something so he will get along well. Sebastian asks if everyone joined while the Noah's Ark Circus was on tour, and Joker replies that everyone else did but the first-tier members, except for Snake, were all from the same hometown and are childhood friends. They let Snake become a first-tier member, though, because they did not have a snake handler before, and he is quite skillful. Joker points out that becoming a first-tier member is good because you get your own private tent and do not have to worry about competing with the other second-tier members, and encourages them to work hard.

Finally, he shows them to the practice tent. He tells them that newcomers practice over here, aiming to make their debut a real public performance. Joker advises them to work on the basics and warm-up and Beast interrupts, informing him that it is almost his turn. Consequently, Joker leaves them and while doing the same, Beast shoots Sebastian a distasteful glance. The four mull over what they have learned while they stretch, agreeing that the poisonous snake tent is the entrance to the first-tier members' tent and they act somewhat like a guard dog. Ciel says that to enter the private tent, they must be first-tier members and tells him that poisonous snakes should not be an issue for Sebastian so he should investigate to see if the children are there or not. Sebastian points out that he could not feel their presence either last night or during today's hour. Nevertheless, Ciel reminds him that they still do not have evidence that there is no relation to the children's disappearances and that Sebastian have not thoroughly and meticulously searched everything. Sebastian agrees that there is always a possibility that their current condition renders him unable to sense their presences. Ciel tells him to not say such unfortunate things as the Queen earnestly wishes for the children's safe return. 

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now