That Butler; Dress

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Sebastian wastes no time in gathering the list of suspects as ordered by their master. Chalking up to one single candidate for their killer. Viscount Druit, also known as Alastair Chambers a graduate of Mellian Medical School, but he has not practiced. Lately, as they've gathered, the Viscount has thrown many parties at his manor. Behind the scenes of every soiree, however, secret gatherings are held. Assumed to be black market auctions or cult gatherings. All of them go to the Viscount's last party of the season in disguise. Ciel at first was heavily against the idea of cross-dressing to get the job done, but that would have left ______ as the bait instead. And as much as he hated but agreed with the idea, he would rather not accidentally lose _______ on this investigation to any cults or even a man such as the Viscount. His protective nature towards his servant/guest all too high to allow her to be in any harm...

Thus, they enter the Viscount's manor as such. Ciel and ______ acting as Madame Red's nieces from the country, and Sebastian as their tutor. Their goal is to catch the Viscount's attention and act as bait. Madame Red stating that the Viscount has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt. Ciel having to be in a ridiculous pink dress and acting as a girl for this. With ______ feeling just as uncomfortable in their opposite (color) dress as ______'s also not used to dressing in so many skirts and shit. Ciel will admit however, ______ looks gorgeous in their attire as they mutter to Themselves....

"This isn't gonna be as fun as I wish it were.."

Ciel adjusts the uncomfortable pink dress, feeling a mix of irritation and embarrassment. The fabric feels suffocating against his skin, and he can't help but fidget under the layers of frills and lace. He casts a sideways glance at ______, noticing their own discomfort in the opposite (color) dress. Despite the unease, he can't help but think that _______ looks stunning in the attire.

For Ciel, he's stuck in his pink ball gown, with white ruffles and black lace. A matching pink choker, black gloves, and a hat decorated with pink roses that cover his other eye. As for ______, they've got a similar dress to his albeit a much lighter and pleasing color scheme. The soft (color) silk went well with their (hair color) hair. The white ruffles weren't all too much, even with the matching choker and transparent silk cuffs. The small pearls and the embroidered flowers that decorated their dress and hair accent their beauty quite nicely. Especially since they have their usually tied hair down (dismiss this if your hair isn't up most times or you have short hair), the (hair color) strands framing their face in this perfect picture. If anything right now, aside from catching the criminal, he'd like some time alone with them. The servant whispering to him as they do when they know of the events that will occur...

"I don't know if I like this dress... Whatever-Best prepare yourself to deal with a bitch- I mean... Distasteful man..."

At the moment, ______ instantly catches sight of their target. Slinging their arm around Ciel's, they briskly walks to take him to their target. Silently asking him to play along, and remember the "script" to catch the attention of the man. _____ and Ciel curtsy and chat with him a bit, sending little signals used for ladies that want to... "Have fun" so to speak.

"Oh Viscount... My cousin and I are rather bored of all the dancing and meaningless chatter, perhaps you know of more entertaining activities?"

_____ takes the lead in this whole seduction scheme, tugging lightly on their skirt and batting their eyelashes at the man in mock flirtation. Though it annoys Ciel to see ______ act in such a way towards another man, he has to endure for the mission. The Viscount eagerly pulling the "girl" by the chin, getting close to inspect their pretty face.

"My, for such darling Robins like yourselves, how could I refuse? But aren't you both a bit young?"

"Now don't tease us, my lord, we're ladies. Not little girls..."

"Oh my apologies my dear robins. Is there a way I can make it up to you two?"

_______ knows that the Viscount is hinting at something else, when he asks how he can make it up to them. _____ carefully moving closer to the viscount, and tracing circles on the older male's chest. Causing the man to smirk, and pull them closer. One hand on their waist and the other holding their hand. Chuckling when their eyes meet, before kissing the back of _______'s hand and smiling mischievously. To which they respond with equal amounts of mock mischief.

"My little lady, quite a sly one you are..."

"I admit Viscount this little bird can be a bit foxy~" _____ responds, and by God do they want to cringe badly at this, however, they remain focused.

Ciel watches the exchange with a mix of annoyance and jealousy, his gloved hands balling into fists at his sides. He despises the way the Viscount's gaze lingers on _______, the familiarity in their interactions making his blood boil. But he knows that he must maintain his composure.

When _____ leans closer, tracing circles on the Viscount's chest, Ciel can't help but feel a pang of jealousy gnaw at him. Though he knows that ______ is merely performing their role, part of him longs to be the one to be on the receiving end of such a display. But tonight, their goal is clear, and Ciel pushes aside his personal desires for the sake of the mission.

The Viscount's flirtatious demeanor only fuels his determination. Ciel senses the darkness lurking beneath the facade, the hidden intentions masked by the playfulness of their conversation. A fire burns within him, spurring him to play his part with precision and cunning.

He then takes a step closer to the Viscount, his voice laced with feigned innocence and a hint of seduction. "Oh, my lord, I assure you, we may be young in age, but we are quite mature in certain... aspects." He meets the Viscount's gaze, his one visible eye glinting with a mix of determination and a touch of mischief.

The Viscount's eyes flicker between _______ and Ciel, a smirk playing on his lips as he leans in closer. "Well, well, it seems I have stumbled upon a pair of intriguing little birds indeed. How about we retire to a more private setting? I have a collection of the finest wines in my cellar, waiting to be sampled."

Ciel nods in acquiescence, his eyes briefly glancing towards Sebastian who stands a few paces away, blending seamlessly into the crowd. With a subtle movement of his finger to his loyal butler, indicating the need for caution, Ciel takes _____'s hand in his and follows the Viscount.

His steps are measured and precise, his dress swishing lightly against the floor as they navigate the labyrinthine halls of the manor. Ciel's mind races with possibilities and precautions, his senses heightened as he continues to observe their surroundings. As they venture deeper into the Viscount's manor, Ciel can't help but feel a sense of foreboding, the weight of the investigation resting heavily on his shoulders. But he presses forward, his determination unyielding, ready to uncover the dark secrets lurking behind the lavish facade. The two of them are led into a room by the Viscount. Careful, and cautious but feigning innocent curiosity. Then they catch a scent that is sweet, but overwhelming to the senses. Something akin to chloroform in the air, with the Viscount smirking behind a handkerchief...


That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now